I guess we can add another derogatory word/phrase to the trump/maga name calling. No party is spared. Milktoast Snowflake Radical Leftist Wokester Cancel Culture Sleepy Joe Low Energy Jeb Desanctimonious/Meatball Ron Crazy Bernie Pocahontas Lightweight Crooked Hillary Little Marco Crying Chuck Lying Ted Mini Mike Shifty Schiff Sloppy Chris Nasty Nancy Horseface Miss Piggy On and on it goes. I'm sure I've left out several, but it's like being back in 5th grade.
This is not to disparage your list gtr2x, but it feels incomplete without Rocket Man and Animal Assad. Still, a pretty good list.
To answer the OPs question, I use the work milktoast to describe someone who is not particularly appealing. Blah would be a synonym in this situation.
milktoast description for anonymous forum posters emboldened by their anonymity to engage posters in a snarky, aggressive and insulting way which, if done in real life could result in bodily harm.