Correct. Especially with the GOP rule of "winner take all" with the delegates. DJT will get 40% of the vote and the remaining candidates will split the rest. By the time enough candidates drop out, DJT will have the nom locked up.
And as I said previously, other than Covid, the criticisms have been on degree not real substantive differences. For example on the issue of immigration, DeSantis criticized Trump because the Donald once proposed providing a path to citizenship for "Dreamers" individuals most of whom are now in their twenties who were brought to the country as young children. DeSantis described the proposal as amnesty for illegal aliens. Another example is Trump's criticism of the 6-week abortion ban as too extreme.
He was for a lot more than two weeks of lockdowns. He strongly criticized the states that reopened early while he was in office, and is criticizing DeSantis now for not taking New York’s approach. The cognitive dissonance it takes to buy into Trump criticizing DeSantis (or Kemp, or any of the governors of other early reopening states who might run) for their handling of COVID is monumental. He’s simultaneously criticizing them for having locked down at all (which they did because his administration told them to) and then simultaneously saying how much better off they would have been had they stayed locked down for a year longer. Those two themes are the exact opposite of one another…
The fact that the criticism of Trump is that Trump isn’t particularly conservative, or lacks any real attachment to conservative policies, doesn’t make it not a criticism. If you’re expecting the criticism of Trump to be “he should be more liberal,” you’re probably not going to find that in the Republican primary (save for perhaps the token liberal Republican who jumps in every cycle, and all of the Dems on the board will profess their respect for but still never consider actually voting for).
I like both, but I will vote for Trump because he is a proven leader as POTUS. It's NOT an either or for me, it's either one for me. But I do fell that Trump is better shot at fixing the mess we now have in DC. I like what DeSantis has done on the state level and what Trump did on the national and international level. Trump's biggest problem with regard to the plandemic was the he believed people that he maybe should NOT have listened to. Fauci and Pence we in cahoots and Fauci more so was running the show that was planned for years in advance. Trump put Pence in charge and I to this day believe that Pence was in on all the plandemic subterfuge from the beginning. So, there are some people hating on DeSantis for Trump and other hating on Trump for DeSantis... I am not that person. But Trump has my vote for POTUS right now, but if we nominate DeSantis I won't lose any sleep over it. The only people pitting Trump against DeSantis are the uninformed and the Democrats. This national bickering between the two is mostly theater designed to occupy the minds of the sheeple that think they actually hate each other.
It's amazing to me how some can't see the differences. It's like they've almost been programmed by MSNBC...
As far I'm concerned the quote from Shakespeare "a plague on both your houses" sums up the way that I feel about Trump and DeSantis. As far as real differences on policy between the two it's by and large a distinction without a real difference. By the way although neither are conservatives in the traditional sense it's somewhat ironic that Trump is attacking DeSantis based on the traditionally conservative positions that DeSantis held when he was in Congress such as privatization of social security and/or raising the retirement age for SS benefits and Ron's support of a national sales tax (euphemistically called the FAIR tax) to either replace or supplement the progressive income tax. I don't really care how they attack each other in the primary campaign given that I would not vote for either one in the general election. At this point the attacks on each other are nothing more than entertainment as far as I'm concerned and I still consider DeSantis's attacks on Trump essentially marshmallows. I don't think we're going to see any real attacks on the Orange One from his fellow Republicans until Chris Christie formally announces his candidacy.
LOL, I get it, you got called out for making stuff up. Just say my bad and move on. Most will think better of you if you don't go around making stuff up all the time.
DeSantis locked Florida down for 2 and a half months. When Florida reopened in early June 2020 covid cases exploded.
You say the dumbest stuff. Sometimes all you can do is fling it back at you. With you it's like middle school all over again.
This is what Trump does. The merit of the criticisms are of little importance. It’s the optics of him alpha-dogging MBR from all angles.
What's funny is this stuff from Trump has been going on for 6 years, but now that it's DeSantis he's doing it to people are getting upset.
If and most likely when a Georgia grand jury and one or more Federal grand juries indict Trump, DeSantis will almost certainly rally to the defense of the Orange One as he did when Alvin Bragg indicted Trump. Just my opinion while leveling attacks on Trump that are the equivalent of serving marshmallows Ron DeSantis will continue to avoid saying anything of substance that could alienate Trump supporters.
Desantis sold us out to insurance companies. Now policy holders have no leverage when a claim is denied or underpaid. Are we going to see a decrease in rates? Of course not
Is Christie’s intention to prevent Trump or to help DeSantis? DeSantis doesn’t seem to have balls to actually go after Trump himself.