First glance his chances don't seem good. But his chances in the general election would probably be a lot better than his chance of getting the Republican nomination. Chris Christie expected to announce 2024 presidential bid next Tuesday
He's basically going to be the one that attacks Trump, and he'll be the stand-in for the people that want to attack someone that isn't Trump
The bigger the gop field, the better for Trump. Unless something drastic occurs, Trump will be the nominee.
Christie is actually one Republican unafraid of going toe to toe with Trump and winning. I don’t agree with his politics but when things get bad he’s unafraid of working with Democrats to solve problems. I remember him taking a lot of heat when he greeted Obama after hurricane Sandy battered his state.
DeSaster couldn't even stand up to Charlie Crist in a debate, Trump will hammer him. It's one thing for Boots to take pot shots at Trump surrounded by his supporters, quite another when he goes face to face. It will be fun to watch him wilt.
0-1% of the vote in primary. He's not running to win. He's running to beat on Trump and then offer his allegiance to the GOP's Ron. Expecting 3 more to announce soon.
You thoroughly underestimate the power of his hate. His slogan is the assured and total destruction of leftism. That has frothed, lathered and energized his base. Nothing he does of any substance will change their position.
LOL, yeah Crist really killed him. Showed up in the election results LOL. If you want to have a serious conversation don't go full leftard on us.
Unless Trump drops out, Boots and Trump are largely vying for the same base. That base can't vote twice and I think they are more loyal to Trump than Boots.
While Christie has very little chance of actually becoming the Republican nominee it will be nice to see a candidate for the Republican nomination who actually has the balls to go after Trump.
Crist did embarrass him. If you think DeSaster won due to his debate performance, you watched the wrong debate. Here's Mr. Bobble head trying to field a super tough question: He won the election due to: 1. Poor voter turnout on the D side. 2. A weak candidate in Charlie Crist. 3. DeSaster managed to frighten the often irrational Cuban vote with his socialism nonsense. If I want to have a serious conversation, I'll look to others.
I would add one more, he reopened the economy in a state heavily dependent on tourism. As result of the Covid lockdown, the unemployment rate in Florida peaked at 8.1% in 2020. When DeSantis was running for reelection in the fall of 2022 the UER had dropped below 2.5%.
To the extent that DeSantis is attacking Trump, his attacks are based on the premise that he is more Trumpian than the original with immigration coming immediately to mind.