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Immigrant Law School Graduate Thankful for America

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by cflgator83, May 29, 2023.

  1. Trickster

    Trickster VIP Member

    Sep 20, 2014
    Two things I’d note here.
    First is that I’m suspicious of all religious extremes. I’m particularly against the strain of Islam that oppresses women, but am quick to note the Islamic people I’ve met, including in Jordan, were kind and hospitable people.

    Second, free speech is a crucial right in a democracy. It is clear that some speech while allowed, we might feel it ought not be. The problem is there is no standard judges can employ to conclude that the First Amendment ought to be modified to prohibit some speech. (In fact there are some exceptions, such as the famos yelling fire in a crowded theater.

    I’ve no doubt, if they could, each side would prohibit some speech. They’d radically differ in what speech they’d prohibit, though.
  2. gatordavisl

    gatordavisl VIP Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    northern MN
    Perhaps that's true, but you attributed the comment to me, which makes no sense given what I posted.
  3. Gator715

    Gator715 GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 6, 2015
    As lawyers have pointed out in the past, the First Amendment's teeth is really a restraint on government, not the culture.

    I remember an America growing up where people also sought to honor this "spirit of the First Amendment" by "strongly disagreeing with what you have to say, but fighting like Hell for your right to say it." This "fighting like Hell for your right to say it" typically included a cultural restraint element. It suggested people typically shouldn't be ostracized for their opinions.

    That attitude has gone by the wayside these days and such cultural privileges especially shouldn't be afforded towards people who want to crap all over them.

    All of that said, as a country, we need to move back to that attitude honoring "the spirit of the First Amendment."
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Trickster

    Trickster VIP Member

    Sep 20, 2014
    I think you miss my point: speech can be hateful (to varying degrees, thus, remotely) no matter who it’s directed at.
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  5. BLING

    BLING GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 16, 2007

    I wasn’t saying giving the mic to a Yemeni national is comparable to a neo-Nazi per-se.

    I was speaking more to the reactions. Plenty on the right were citing “Free Speech” when they actually were hosting neo-Nazi groups. Not “like Neo-Nazi’s” - but actual neo-Nazi’s who are re-branded themselves as alt-right. So how can anyone who defended all that craziness now be lambasting this school for “allowing” this speech? Makes no sense.

    While the school and students might have been aware of this woman’s background, it’s not like being a Yemini national automatically makes her anti-Semitic, and her social justice activism would tend to lead one far away from anti-semitism. She may simply have some conflicted views between her legal/academic ideals and her cultural passions (seeing Israel as the oppressor). Kind of like that congresswoman Omar who occasionally slips up. But you know what? I’ve heard Omar apologize when she slips up, I don’t know much about her but I can respect that.
  6. latergatorgc

    latergatorgc Freshman

    May 30, 2023
    "Zionist" is a euphemism for "Jew." If you drop the word "zionist" on a white nationalist website, there would be no confusion who you mean: All Jews whether they openly support Israel or not. It's not much different than using "Jihadist" and then saying, oh I only meant the Muslims who wage Jihad.
    • Winner Winner x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Gator715

    Gator715 GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 6, 2015
    I'm not attacking the school and frankly I don't know who is.

    Omar has said absolutely terrible things repeatedly, has made it clear that those are her views by repeating the same tropes and messaging, and refuses to condemn anti-semitism unless it's lumped in with something else.

    She's not a good person. She's just the type that does a half-baked apology when threatened with some kind of cost.

    I'm not going to judge people who vote for her because it's a binary choice at the ballot box, but I really question the motives of anyone who tries propping her up as this leader in the Democratic Party. It's not like I hear she has this unique tax policy that people like, or she has a way of getting things done by bringing the party together. The identity politics stuff is central to her appeal when it should be the biggest red flag.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. Gator715

    Gator715 GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 6, 2015
    That is actually and ironically incorrect.

    Social justice under the modern standard leads one away from anti-semitism until Jewish people (as a marginalized group) are juxtaposed with a militant Muslim or Palestinian group.

    Under the standards of social justice, you need to be "empathetic" towards the most marginalized group, which really means you can't act like you know the experience of being Palestinian or Muslim unless you are one, which really means the Palestinian or Muslim is right because they're Palestinian or Muslim. They're the "oppressed" and the "Zionists" are the "oppressors." And all of a sudden, you find yourself agreeing that Israel doesn't have a right to exist, and you're at least on the road to anti-semitism, many would say you're already there. While some Jews would characterize anti-Israeli sentiment as anti-semitism, I don't know if I'd go that far, but it requires so much mental gymnastics to justify that position that you're on your way to anti-semitism. Today, it's "Israel is bad because the Palestinians were there first (which is debatable)" tomorrow it's "Israel is bad because the Jews are bad."
    Last edited: May 31, 2023
    • Disagree Bacon! Disagree Bacon! x 1
  9. gator_lawyer

    gator_lawyer VIP Member

    Oct 30, 2017
    Zionist is not necessarily a euphemism for Jew. I am a Jew, and I don't consider myself a Zionist (with regard to how the term is used today). I know of other American Jews who feel the same way. Might some white supremacists use the term that way? Maybe. But the fact is that Ms. Muhammed's Jewish classmates issued a statement supporting her, so I'll trust their instincts about her instead of assuming the worst.
  10. citygator

    citygator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    I asked that back on page one where I posted the actual speech. Still waiting. Here is the transcript front YouTube

    hello everyone
    thank you Dean study for that
    introduction I want to start by greeting
    you all with the greeting I know best
    may peace and blessings be upon you all
    my name is
    and I come to you all from the rich soil
    of Yemen raised by The Humble streets of
    it is my honor and I'm humbled to be
    standing before you all as a selected
    class speaker daytime speaker of the
    class of 2023.
    to all our loved ones our parents
    grandparents siblings partners and
    Friends our comrades aunts and uncles
    and all the little kids in the crowd
    those who made it and those who couldn't
    we wouldn't be here without you
    thank you for your unwavering love
    my mom's crying so that means answering
    thank you for your unwavering love and
    the celebration is yours
    this is a moment for those who paved the
    way for us to be here those who wipe
    down our tears
    those who are waiting ahead and to those
    we now must open the doors
    and now to the graduating class of 2023
    before I begin
    I want to tell you all that my
    grandparents are in Yemen right now and
    they assured me that there are fireworks
    lighting up the city of Adam in
    celebration of all of us so just know
    that oceans away there's a whole city on
    the other end of the Earth it feels like
    celebrating you all
    to the class of 2023
    the moment we have all been waiting for
    is finally here
    the class that began this journey during
    a season of grief a season where
    ambulance trucks were the only noise in
    town and our neighborhoods became sort
    of ghost towns
    where we watched our immigrant parents
    keep the city on its feet as they saw
    bodies packed into refrigerated morgue
    the class that saw nothing but black
    Zoom square boxes for the first two
    years there's a lot I can say about the
    loss and the pain we've all endured over
    the last three years but I am reminded
    of France fannin's words
    things get bad for all of us almost
    and what we do Under the constant stress
    reveals who and what we are
    and so I'm here to celebrate who and
    what we are who you are like many of you
    I chose CUNY school of law for its
    articulated mission to be law in the
    service of human needs one of very few
    legal institutions created
    Calls out Law as being "White Supremacy"
    to recognize that the law is a
    manifestation of white supremacy that
    continues to oppress and suppress people
    in this nation and around the world we
    joined this institution
    we joined this institution to be
    equipped with the necessary legal skills
    to protect our communities to protect
    the organizers fighting endlessly day in
    and out with no accolades No cameras no
    votes no PhD grants working to lift the
    facade of legal neutrality and confront
    the systems of Oppression that wreck
    violence on them systems of Oppression
    created to feed an Empire with a
    ravenous Appetite for Destruction and
    violence institutions created to
    intimidate bully and censor and stifle
    the voices of those who resist
    In This Moment
    in this moment of celebrating who we are
    I want to celebrate CUNY law as one of
    the few if not the only law school to
    make a public statement defending the
    right of its students to organize and
    speak out against Israeli settler
    Calls out Israel
    that this
    that this is the law school that passed
    and endorsed beds on a student and
    faculty level
    recognizing that absent a critical
    imperialism settler colonialism lens our
    work and this school's mission statement
    is void of value that as Israel
    continues to indiscriminately Reign
    bullets and bombs on worshipers
    murdering the old the young attacking
    even funerals and graveyards as it
    encourages lynch mobs to Target
    Palestinian homes and businesses as it
    imprisons its children as it continues
    its project of settler colonialism
    expelling Palestinians from their homes
    carrying the ongoing nakba that are
    silent is no that are silence is no
    longer acceptable
    we are
    we are the student body and faculty
    that fought back when investor focused
    admin attempted to cross the BDS picket
    line saying loud and clear that
    Palestine can no longer be the exception
    to our pursuit of justice that our
    morality will not be purchased by
    we are the class
    we are the class that fought for
    incarcerated clients and zealously filed
    for their clemency applications with
    nearly zero institutional support
    we are the class that fought for cut for
    clients to get Asylum that went to court
    to reunite families torn apart by ACS in
    the family surveillance
    we are the class that organized against
    using Lexus a legal research company
    contracted with ice
    and we did all of this in spite of the
    racism in spite of the selective
    activism the self-serving interests of
    CUNY Central an institution that
    continues to fill us that continues to
    train and cooperate with the fascist
    NYPD the military that continues to
    train IDF soldiers to carry out that
    same violence globally a larger
    institution committed to its donors not
    to its students
    I am here
    to remind us all that our existence on
    its own today in this room is
    revolutionary that as we embark on our
    legal careers we must practice a
    discipline of Truth and courage and hold
    ourselves true to the mission statement
    we came to the school for so today I
    celebrate the courage and bravery that
    got us here and I celebrate every moment
    of resilience that sets us apart as the
    number one leading public interest
    School in this nation
    thank you
    I see
    I see before my eyes brilliant future
    public defenders I see brilliant
    immigration attorneys housing attorneys
    business attorneys civil rights
    attorneys and movement lawyers I see
    professors and Librarians ICB for me
    future practitioners who will work on
    contracts to end Partnerships with ice
    and not intellectual property contracts
    to secure designs for the newest drone
    technology murdering children I see
    future lawyers who will defend tenants
    in court and not those that dispossess
    dispossess our communities from their
    homes I see future attorneys who will
    protect the communities terrorized by
    the surveillance State and not protect
    the Agents of Oppression that carry out
    that Terror future lawyers who will
    fight to keep families together and not
    tear them apart I see future lawyers
    who will work to make this world a
    better place one person one movement at
    a time I see a class to be rejoiced a
    class to be celebrated a class to be
    remembered today and in the years ahead
    and as we celebrate who we are today let
    us actively fight against the collective
    Amnesia and cognitive dissonance that
    limits our understanding of the world to
    what is only directly before our eyes
    let us remember
    let us remember that just this week has
    been bombed with a world watching
    that daily brown and black men are being
    murdered by the state at Rikers
    that there are Palestinian political
    prisoners like HLF in U.S prisons that
    there are refugees at the southern
    border still locked up that yesterday
    March one year since the murder of U.S
    and that the murder of black men like
    Jordan Neely by a white man on a on the
    MTA is dignified by politicians like
    Eric Adams and Senator Chuck tumor
    we leave our classes and we leave the
    school to a world that so desperately
    needs us to stand alongside those who
    have given up for the sake of Liberation
    far more than we could imagine so may
    the joy and excitement that fills the
    auditorium here May the rage that fills
    this Auditorium dance in the hallways of
    our elementary schools in our home
    and Haiti Puerto Rico and the
    Philippines may be rejoiced in the
    corners of our New York City bedroom
    apartments and dining tables
    may it be the fuel for the fight against
    capitalism racism imperialism and
    Zionism around the world
    and we'll save the world no single
    movement will Liberate the masses those
    who brunt the ferocity of the violence
    those who carry
    the revolution the people the masses
    those who brought the ferocity of the
    violence those who need our protection
    they will carry this revolution the
    revolution that lives so loudly despite
    not being televised no longer are we
    going to capitulate to oppressors no
    longer are we going to put our hope in
    their depraved Consciousness and as the
    as the great Malcolm X said we declare
    our right on this Earth to be a man to
    be a human being to be respected as a
    human being to be given the rights of a
    human being in this Society on this
    Earth in this day which we intend to
    bring into existence by any means
    so when client at a time on case at a
    time when hearing at a time we will show
    up for our communities we will show up
    for ourselves and we will protect the
    fight that brings us all closer to the
    fall of all oppressive institution a
    reality that is only myopic and
    unrealistic to the oppressors but is the
    inevitable future for the oppressed
    for oppressed people everywhere for
    greater empires of Destruction have
    fallen before and so will these so to
    the class of 2023 the fight begins now
    Professors and Students Clapping
    • Winner Winner x 1
  11. rivergator

    rivergator Too Hot Mod Moderator VIP Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Appreciate that, but four paragraphs and a link please.

    that said, there’s probably a reason no one would point out her racist comments, right?
  12. citygator

    citygator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Well. That’s a problem cuz you have to click on the YouTube link and enable transcript yourself, it’s not printed anywhere. Maybe in a bit I can upload a pdf to a host site and link.
  13. gatorpa

    gatorpa GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 5, 2010
    East Coast of FL
    If you got looped into a quote and it wasn’t something you posted I’m sorry.
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  14. rivergator

    rivergator Too Hot Mod Moderator VIP Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    You claimed earlier that she made racist comments in her speech. I asked what they were, and I don't believe you answered.
    So what were they?
  15. gatorpa

    gatorpa GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 5, 2010
    East Coast of FL
    With respect I never said the racist comments were I her speech.
    She’s made them in the past and sure sounds anti-semitic based on what another poster quoted.

    Claiming that Zionist isn’t the same as being Jewish is a weak attempt to defend her.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Disagree Bacon! Disagree Bacon! x 1
    • Come On Man Come On Man x 1
  16. 108

    108 Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Calling out continued Zionist expansion efforts and oppression of Palestinians isn’t anti-Semitic.

    The first include Jewish people, but it’s the act that is being condemned, not their ethnicity or religion.

    Would be like calling someone anti-Anglo for calling out racial oppression committed by white people.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. gatorpa

    gatorpa GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 5, 2010
    East Coast of FL
    She literally said that Zionists should not be in the same areas of the school as Palestinian studies and said there should be no Zionist professors.
    The strictest definition is Zionist is someone who wants a State of Israel. Anti-Zionist speech is often considered “coded speech” for anti Jew
    “The UK Labour Party has been at the centre of a row over anti-Semitism, including its relationship to anti-Zionism. What do these terms actually mean?

    • Anti-Semitism is "hostility and prejudice directed against Jewish people" (OED).
    • Zionism refers to the movement to create a Jewish state in the Middle East, roughly corresponding to the historical land of Israel, and thus support for the modern state of Israel. Anti-Zionism opposes that.
    • But some say "Zionist" can be used as a coded attack on Jews, while others say the Israeli government and its supporters are deliberately confusing anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism to avoid criticism.
    Former London Mayor Ken Livingstone was suspended from Labour following a series of remarks about Israel, including the suggestion that Hitler supported Zionism before the Holocaust.

    It follows the suspension of Bradford West MP Naz Shah after it emerged she had once suggested, among other things, that Israel should be moved to the United States. The new president of the National Union of Students, Malia Bouattia, has also been heavily criticised for remarks she made about Zionists.

    Many in the Jewish community say the use of "Zionist" as a term of abuse reflects a rising tide of bigotry and racism directed at Jews”
    What's the difference between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism?

    I don’t see much difference to when Trump said there are a lot of illegals that are drug dealers and rapists coming into the country and the left screamed that was racist towards “brown people.
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  18. wgbgator

    wgbgator Premium Member

    Apr 19, 2007
    No it isn't, if you support the Israeli state, you are a Zionist. There are anti-Zionist Jews. That other people misuse or appropriate words doesn't make it true of people who use them accurately. Idiots call Democrats who aren't socialists socialists, but that doesn't make it a synonym for democrats, even though some idiots use it that way.

    Many people who support the Israeli state want it to be synonymous for obvious reasons, but Israel doesnt represent Judaism. Its a right-wing apartheid state, and lots of Jews want nothing to do with it.
  19. latergatorgc

    latergatorgc Freshman

    May 30, 2023
    Yes. It is. And I said "euphemism" not "synonym." Many if not most pejorative terms have a non-pejorative usage. There is a difference between a jewish person identifying as a zionist or distancing themselves from it, as the case may be, and someone issuing a polemic against these zionists.

    And I don't believe there is a global industry dedicated to exposing and combatting the hidden plans of the Democratic party.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2023