Pacino is 83, and his pregnant girlfriend is 29. I recall a lot of anger about Leonardo dating much younger women, and there's obviously a bigger age gap here. So that's an issue people will debate. But I also wonder what people think about the ethics involved with having kids at an advanced age. He's going to have to live past 100 to make his kid's high school graduation. Al Pacino, 82, expecting child with girlfriend Noor Alfallah, 29
It’s selfish. You have all but guaranteed that a child will have to endure the loss of a father at a very young age. Not a fan.
In Hollywood circles, marriages/relationships rarely last and the kids grow up with multiple “others”. This won’t really be any different except Al won’t even be able to pick up the baby while he is around(one way or another).
Meh. On the flip side... "my father was Michael Corleone." There won't be a dearth of information to read up on about him. Perhaps his girlfriend is the one who pushed for the child. In that case, I'm sure they came to a mutual understanding and this is what it is. You do you, as long as it doesn't affect me.
He's an adult. She's an adult. While I personally would not choose to birth a child so late in life, they are free to make that choice. I understand it makes for a good conversation. But at the end of the day it is between the two of them.
This is true, but philosophers have identified an interesting paradox in situations like this: If the couple chose not get pregnant, this child, who is the one with the most standing to object to the pregnancy, simply would not exist. As a result, the child’s only options are a life mostly without a father or no life at all.
Law School theoretical discussions come to life Fertile-Octogenarian Rule Definition An unrealistic legal fiction that any living person (male or female) is capable of having a child. In estate planning, this rule could defeat the intentions of a person leaving property to others. For example, if property could not pass to one's child as long as he or she might acquire a sibling, then the child would have to wait until both parents died, unnecessarily tying up the property. Most states have passed laws to cure this anomaly.
Amazingly, it appears that De Niro also just had a kid. Robert De Niro Reveals He Welcomed His Seventh Child; Shares Whether Or Not He’s A ‘Cool Dad’
He clearly loves the smell of a woman...a lot of women. His last girlfriend was 40 and dumped him because he was too old (and cheap). So now he has a younger woman who's having his baby...excellent bounce-back. Got to hand it to a man who has 2 kids with beautiful actress Beverly D'Angelo.
His girlfriend will be changing diapers for 2 people. Oh well, if that’s what she signed up for then so be it.
Kudos to the man for still having viable sperm at 82. I figured when I'm that age, nothing but dust would come out!
Great tweet of very limited relevance to this thread. It does, however, both touch unconventional creepy paternity and show why we need the writers back and not AI scripts