I’m suggesting that if this student was a white guy and made some racist comments he would be run out on a rail and used as an example of how white men are so evil.
I mean she’s from one of the if not the biggest hell hole backwards countries in the world. She should be sent back. I’m sure her life would improve….
It’s free speech in sense the govt cannot punish her for it. But as she was an invited speaker, it was still a mistake (in retrospect) to give her the platform. Almost like it should be obvious to not invite a neo-Nazi speaker and then be like “it’s just free speech guys, chill”. This was the game being played a handful of years back when alt-right was doing a sort of speaking tour at college campuses. The invite gives endorsement. Of course this student wasn’t an outsider, she was a graduating student and if speech is to be “free” i’m not sure it’s a great signal to have schools “censor” speeches beforehand (even though there have been stories of schools doing exactly that). So truly she is the one responsible, and her accountability will be in how it impacts her reputation. I just find it a bit rich for any free speech advocate (esp on the right) to be calling out the school. I mean they were literally championing free speech for Nazi’s. Once again the self awareness is lacking.
The CUNY Law students selected her to speak knowing full well what she believed. And it's not remotely the same thing as inviting a Neo-Nazi to speak.
One of the worst things a person can do is take an incident and generalize from it. It bespeaks intellectual laziness and hyper-partisanship. The fact of the matter, proven by hundreds of examples, is that immigrants tend to be grateful and somewhat conservative. Cuban refugees are examples of that.
To be honest, nothing is. Which is why we should be careful about who we brand as a Nazi or Neo-Nazi.
I think Cubans are the exception to the "conservative" part, but I appreciate the shoutout. Hispanic immigrants tend to be more traditional than your typical born and raised American, and they tend to be more conservative on immigration after they're here, but most Hispanic immigrants are left-leaning on economics, the exceptions being the Hispanics who fled Communist regimes.
Yeah, pretty controversial pick, even by left-wing standards. But I'm sure a whole lot of people agree with her.
It was this statement by the OP to which I was responding: “This is who we're bringing into this country. Absolutely ungrateful people.” As a general proposition, that’s absurd.
Anybody who wants to deconstruct the very institutions and culture that give them the right to speak out against the institutions and culture, especially if this very same person favors cancel culture, should be subject to cancel culture. We should live in a culture where if you want to reap the cultural benefits of classical liberalism, you have to have some value for classical liberalism yourself.
I would agree with you. I don't think this woman represents the norm as far as the attitude of immigrants towards America.
If we lived in a culture where people like this had no institutional control or influence, then no. But we don't live in such a culture. Our options are: 1. Cancel her. 2. Leave her and like-minded people alone to the point that they go from institutional influence to real institutional power, she'll deconstruct the very culture that would otherwise protect her here, and she'll cancel us. If it's this ungrateful imbecile or me, I'm going with me.
There's a market for people who think like her. Louis Farrakhan is a classic example. But there are certainly social consequences for being lumped in with people like that, and rightfully so. It's hateful, intolerant, and Un-American in every sense of those words.
To clarify, I'm not calling out the school for letting her speak. I'm just saying she should be treated by the public without the benefit of the cultural standards she wants so desperately to deconstruct. If the standards are racist and you want to destroy them, you don't get to use those same standards as a cultural shield when people want to ostracize you.
It certainly is not. Last I checked, Neo-Nazis don't criticize white supremacy or advocate for opposing racism.