Apparently, it initially meant weak or timid, particularly for a man. I think people also use it as bland or boring. meaning and origin of ‘milquetoast’ The American-English noun milquetoast denotes a timid, submissive or ineffectual person. It is from the name of Caspar Milquetoast, a character created in 1924 by the American cartoonist Harold Tucker Webster (1885-1952) in The Timid Soul, and named after milk toast, an American-English term denoting a bland concoction of buttered toast served in a dish of warm milk, first recorded in The Young House-keeper or Thoughts on Food and Cookery (Boston, 1838), by the American physician and educator William Andrus Alcott (1798-1859). The name Milquetoast is therefore comparable to the noun milksop, which denotes a dish of bread soaked in warm milk, given especially to infants and invalids, and, figuratively, a feeble, timid or ineffectual person, especially a man or boy who is indecisive, effeminate or lacking in courage. The figurative sense is first recorded in The Monk’s Tale, by the English poet Geoffrey Chaucer (circa 1342-1400).
You spelled it wrong. Kayleigh MacEnany? She’s very pretty (saw her at a lightning game). But utterly vacuous and insipid which are key ingredients . However, given her hotness I can’t go with milquetoast. Chip Roy also called her milk toast to her face this AM, because like most GOP’rs he’s a moron.
What? Trump used a pejorative in reference to someone who failed to properly kiss his orange ass? shocking!
I wonder how many people are going to make the assumption that I somehow don't know how to define let alone spell milquetoast. So far, 1.
I assumed a different spelling had developed over time for the same word/concept and was curious about the etymology and the book definition.
There isn't much cooler than watching Trump just be as belittling as possible to all these piss ants who spent years absurdly supporting his idiocy. I mean she worked out a gig at Fox, although pretty sure she already had that. Enjoy!
Seems especially stupid for a conservative to apply it to a woman, being meek and submissive is their expectation for them!
Sure ok, he's just the defacto leader of the conservative party in America. His lack of dogma has made him more popular among conservatives, so what does that say about it as an ideology?
Statement from every former member of Trumps inner circle: Hi, my name is __________ . I used to work with Trump and ignore his glaring and dangerous faults because it put me at the center of attention and power. Now that I am no longer benefiting from Trump it is now in my benefit to criticize Trump so now he makes fun of me on faux-twitter.
"Defacto leader" of the Republican Party. As I am sure you know, there is a difference between "liberal" and the Democratic Party. Very similar concept.
Why must everyone be evil and/or cynical that doesn't line up with a person's own political worldview?
Isn't Macenany the one who, when questioned about Trump's medical plan, slammed down a binder full of empty pages on a table after walking out on a 60min interview? I don't that that act could be characterized as milquetoasted.
And neither is DeSantis or at least in the traditional sense of the term. Conservatives used to warn us about the danger of the state inserting itself into the doctor-patient relationship or trying to bully private corporations. Meatball Ron supports both.
Not following. Who is saying who is evil? I indicated it’s self serving to work for Trump then suddenly find him useless.