This is really funny coming from a guy who is always prattling on about 'mutually assured destruction'. You're the biggest right-wing team player of all.
This is a problem. You are going from Trump disaster to another disaster. Desantis is hanging out with KNOWN AUTOCRATS...why do you not care about this?
So what does one do if they see the light, even those who do it later than others? I mean all the OP did was rip Trump and he is now being ripped because he didnt used to rip Trump. The "tolerant" lefties ripping him are being ridiculous. Not only must you acquiesce to their position, but you have to do it on their timeline with never a nuance to be had. Its a stupid position actually.
I dont judge anyone for their current position if it is a flight from a previous bad one. Until we create time travel, it's the best we as flawed humans can hope for. The fact is today he hates Trump. Good enough for me. Lets roll.
Yeah that's it. I think Vind is a decent poster. Doesn't go out of his way to insult people. But switching from Trump to DeSantis doesn't get you any bonus points here. They are both horrible.
One layer about the January 6th issue that I think is worth mentioning is that Trump can't pull the same vote-counting shenanigans that he attempted to do last time via Vice President Pence (which was really the worst part of that whole ordeal in my opinion). If he loses, the Vice President in office is Kamala Harris and she sure as Hell won't do it. If he wins, he's termed out and the decision to leave is made for him four years down the road. We shouldn't even have to be doing that sort of calculus, but I think that applies here. A big part of my decision-making process in supporting Trump has always been, "will he effectively be held back/reigned in/anchored."
Imagine thinking that conservatives are interested in earning points from the liberals on this board.
I think it is quite clear. He made statements that he was switching to Desantis. Telling people you quit smoking crack to start doing Heroin should not be applauded. A lot of this is coming from the other thread. You don't get credit for switching from Trump to Desantis. Do you care that Desantis hangs out with Viktor Orban? If not, why?
Lol. What "credit"? You guys wont give any con credit unless they vote for who YOU deem worthy. And no. I dont like any association with Orban, but perhaps you've missed my position for years that they are all corrupt with plenty of unsavory skeletons.
Um, no. Hillary and Biden aren't running against each other. Hillary was the Dem nominee in 2016 and she was the clear better choice over Trump. Biden was the Dem nominee in 2020 and he was the clear better choice over Trump. Hope that helps.
All are corrupt is such a cop out. When/if Biden starts hanging out with KNOWN autocrats on the regular and having them appear as a keynote speaker at fund raisers, please let us all know. You know things are bad on the right when you see a massive increase of the "both sides" argument. I don't know enough about the search feature here but I'm willing to guess if you searched for "both sides"; it will be quoted by more right leaning posters than left. I'm seeing it more and more lately. "Well, both sides do it" Like that is supposed to rationalize the behavior somehow.
So you are saying that conservatives are more willing to admit their side is corrupt too? Yeah, I agree.shame on your side for not being as willing. That's an indictment on the left. And thats pretty rich considering this board has turned into a constant flow of dismissing everything because "compared to Trump" or "yeah but you once voted for Trump way back when". Rich indeed.
Barring Trump somehow being disqualified from being president (by being in prison instead), he will almost certainly win the Republican nomination. So get ready for even more of it. It's all they got.
As to the 2nd sentence I’m a skeptic. Actually when I see him post “DeSatan is a machine” and he doesn’t care if he’s autocrat friendly I dismiss all he says. YMMV