They won't. They'd have to actually care about quality to miss me. I feel sorry for the poor saps who are still purchasing that hot garbage.
I’m sure you’re the measure of quality. Their bright orange and yellow tents are a common sight at high-elevation basecamps around the world, and they’ve accumulated a high-quality team of athletes including pro climbers Alex Honnold and Margo Hayes and dedicated mountaineers Jimmy Chin and Conrad Anker. But of course ockechobee on the internet doesn’t like their quality.
I rarely see North Face out anymore. Usually if I do, it's on a female, but even that is rare nowadays. And I don't mean to step on any toes. They've just gone down hill quite a bit in the past 8 or 9 years. P.S. My last pair of Levi's was like 30 years ago, lol. It's almost like these brands are trying to regain some relevance by pandering to the LBGT contingent. Perhaps a decent short term boon, but most LBGT I know understand when they're being love bombed by big corporations who are hurting for profits.
It's amusing how closely conservative views on product quality (and well, anything) track their political views. Chick-Fil-A's politics may suck, but they are still pretty darn good for a fast-food chicken restaurant. Not everything has to be 100% tribal 100% of the time. Yeesh.
The Ford LGBT thing blew over really quickly though. Seems their outrage didn't extend to 70k trucks they own. Because, principles.
I’m pretty sure the boycott crowd was already supposed to be pissed at Levi’s for something a few years ago, but I don’t remember what it was you were supposed to dislike them for.
Same. It's the only place around me that has the old-style enclosed playground too. Good food, not super expensive, a place for the kids to burn off energy. Winning business in the burbs the right way.
I always have liked Levi’s button fly straight leg jeans. I am in style maybe one year out of twenty. lol