It serves the same purpose as the white when our colors are still orange and blue. Luckily everything goes with both white and black.
Yeah, why not? Historically, every program that has substituted uniform gimmicks for recruiting, retention, facilities, development, and/or coaching has always dominated.
Wear dumb shit . It’ll help the lack of talent and you can just dance around and get a turnover chain or Dora’s backpack or something
Love the cause. Never been a fan of black unis. Seems like every time I see a team pull out the black unis they lose. I’d be fine if we never did it Now get off my lawn
Every other UF sports team has worn an alternate black combo and they look good. My favorite hoodie is black and the colors pop off the black base.
This is not a big deal. It’s just a uniform. Personally, I loved the gator skin uniforms many of us hated. I’d like to see more alternate uniforms.
In regards to the "Black unis in the sun" there are plenty of studies that show that black clothing can actually keep you cooler because it not only absorbed the heat faster from the sun but it also absorbs the heat away from your body. Add a little breeze and you have a wicking cooling effect. There are actually Bedouin tribes in the deserts that wear only black robes for this reason. Anyway thought this was interesting and worth a share. MDS - The Website of Matt D. Smith
It’s a simple case of radiant heat transfer. Black unis will get hotter in the sun than any other color. Just as the hood of a black car will get hotter than a white one sitting right next to it in the parking lot. ( note: at night the black hood will be cooler because black also radiates more heat) The absorbing heat from your body thing you mention isn’t radiation heat transfer — it’s conductive heat transfer between the body and the uni in contact with it, in combination with convective heat transfer to the air — and it’s got nothing to do with the color of the uni. Now, if they’re playing at night the black uni will be cooler, because of heat radiation to the night sky. All that said, if they pick the right colors of orange and blue - like almost electric blue and fluorescent-type orange, those colors would pop nicely off the black jersey and look cool. If the players like it, then hey why not. Go Gators
I have loved all of our alternate uniforms throughout the years, aside from the swamp green unis. The black looks awesome for our basketball, baseball, and softball teams, so I don't think it'll be much different for football. My all time favorite uniform is the one vs UGA in 2005...I'll head out now
I believe that one of the goals will be have all the fans in attendance wear black for a "black out"... like Penn State does, except white is one of their colors... I have long since made peace with the fact that not every idea is a good idea.
Of all the things that are killing college football, wearing black uniforms is at the bottom of the list. If the kids like, let them wear it.
don't believe everything you read on the internet; it's like the old saying, "opinions are like assholes, everyone has one"