This is what happens when people don’t think thing’s through. I like the name too because it makes a point despite Satan not being a figure in the group. Democrats have complained about things republicans push through without understanding that what republicans do, Christian conservatives in this case, is also something progressives can do. As far as this group goes all I can say is well done you little scamps.
I think anyone could claim something was antagonistic. Maybe the German club is antagonistic to Jews according to someone? Or maybe ROTC is antagonistic to pacifists? If they called the Satan club the "Atheist Society" some people would probably still be antagonized. Nothing public is going to work if these are the attitudes people are going to have when it comes to funding public goods. Used to be people calling themselves conservatives lamented oversensitivity in the culture, but I see they've fully embraced it. They've decided the PC liberals were right I suppose.
Tilly it’s like anything else where you have one group that grabs all the attention making all the reasonable groups look bad.
Seems weird... do you also think having Christian Clubs at school is antagonistic to other religions or atheists? Should also point out that it being unpopular expression is the exact reason why courts are siding with them ... there is no reason to protect popular expression, is there? Judge John Gallagher said in his ruling that "the record indicates the District engaged in viewpoint discrimination by rescinding approval" of the club's application "based on the controversial nature" of the club's "viewpoint, and the negative community reaction thereto." Court Ruling Allowing After-School 'Satan Club' Is About Free Speech (
It looks like you are saying that you would not oppose a Nazi club based on its name, correct? Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
Again, the disagreement is with the antagonistic name; not in what the club is about. All I'm saying is we can't be surprised if people want to take their money elsewhere if this is going to be considered acceptable. Actions have consequences is what got their foot in the door, let's see where the consequences go from there. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
It looks like you are saying Nazism and Satanism are synonymous? Do Satanists have a history of murdering Christians? All you guys seem to admit its a joke of sorts not a real belief system, so the worst crime they are committing is possibly hurting feelings with their irony, not promoting genocide and white supremacy out of conviction like Nazis, right?
How many public schools have "devils" or variations as mascots or nicknames? Even religiously founded schools do. I have a hard time believing the name is the major taboo or transgression, its definitely what the club is about, i.e. not letting the Christians "win."
No, I'm wondering how far you are willing to go before you draw the line. Your comments above seem to suggest there is no line, people can say or do whatever they want. You haven't clarified if/when you believe there are limits and what the standards for the limits should be. Maybe you have them, but you draw the line in a different place than where I draw them. Then it's just about haggling over whose line is better. Maybe @docspor can chime in and talk about how there shouldn't be any limits either because "Big Gov." Everybody wants to be liberal until they've reached their limit. Is Nazism your limit whereas Satanism is not? Just be clear. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
If a group started a “German” club in response to a Jewish club and not because they were simply students of German heritage or were interested in the culture, then it would be antagonistic. I wouldn’t assume that was the reason unless there was evidence of it.
My line would be drawn "does your club promote harming other people as a core tenant of their ideology." So I would allow a Muslim club but not an ISIS cell, I would allow a Christian group but not a Christian Nationalist group, etc.
The Church of Satan, who sponsors these clubs, and is recognized as a real church by the US government (IRS) and their belief system has always been about promoting science and rational thinking over invisible men in the sky and ancient mythology. It's their version of religion. It would be straight up discrimination to deny a recognized church the same access to campus clubs as the "popular" religions, and no, the church club shouldn't have to change their name to make bigoted parents happy ... and courts are making that clear by not buying into the Christian Cancel Culture demands...
What if the groups were called "ISIS" and "Christian Nationalists" but their functions and values did not match that which you would be against? Would that be ok? Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
I think if you actually had a group of devil-worshippers in a public school and they wanted to have meetings that didn't bother anybody else, that's their right. Do I think that devil worship is vile? yes. Do I think this club is just meant to cause a stir and cause outrage? Yes. And frankly, I really don't get the point. Does this group of atheists hate religious people so much that they think it's this much of a problem that religious people can have meetings on public school property during non-school hours? I wouldn't have a problem if Jews or Muslims wanted to do the same. All the more reason to home school your kid or send them to private school folks.
Sure, but we all need to be smart enough to not toss everyone under the same blanket. And Lord knows I can be guilty too.
Goes both ways, it's easy to argue that religious people are hostile to non religious people. They say that want to "provide a safe and inclusive alternative to the religious clubs that use threats of eternal damnation to convert school children to their belief system," ... they are actually protecting children from religious indoctrination under the threat of eternal pain and suffering. That's pretty noble of them.