Been waiting a day and a half for someone to post about the Brown Supremacist who crashed a U-Haul into a White House barrier. U-Haul driver identified, charged after crashing truck into barriers near White House: police You'd have thought this would be a huge story.
While definitely newsworthy I'm not sure whether the act of a deranged 19-year old "lone wolf" who planned to kill the president and take over the government although he actually never represented a real threat is really worthy of a thread of it's own. By the way it was mentioned in the Matt Walsh thread yesterday. A reminder in case you didn't read the post.
Is it just me or does this quote from the articled describe Donald Trump to a T? Have we checked the assassin for a disguise? "Court documents revealed the suspect made comments very sympathetic to Nazis, allegedly calling Hitler a strong leader. He also claimed he wanted to get his "book" in front of the people who needed to see it. "
Immigrants taking all the jobs vs False flag to hide Durham report I couldn’t decide on a thread title, so I punted.
If you've seen this on Twitter the comments are littered with blue checks thinking this is a false flag since the only item in the truck was a nazi flag and the police laid it on the ground to take pictures. I can see why they'd think that given the lazy attempts on the right to blame antifa for spraypainting garages and the like. It doesn't make much sense as a false flag though. The guy is an admitted nazi sympathizer so the flag wasn't planted by the police. The guy posed no real threat so it's not going to move the needle at all about domestic terror threats. Finally, this guy's is looking at some serious jail time I'm sure, so I don't see why he would be willing to undertake this as a false flag operation.
Yeah, I think it's newsworthy. But not sure why you were waiting around to see if someone started a thread about it. Do you think it's a false flag because he's "Brown" and couldn't have thought nice things about Hitler? Is there a reason you think people didn't want to discuss the story? Does it favor one side or the other in some way?
I guess flying a Nazi flag on the truck and wanting to kill Biden isn't enough to show what teams he's on ...
The key to most conspiracy theories is not to ask inconvenient questions and simply accept the theory that provides the most value to the person stating it.
Yeah I didn't see that post yesterday and actually did a couple of GC searches for U-Haul and got no results. Guess I would have seen it if the poster had not spelled U-Haul uhaul. Anyway the reason I was waiting on this story was I was hoping someone would post the picture of the U-Haul with the Nazi flag laid out nice and neat in the street. I was going to ask, "Does the FBI, DOJ, Capitol police always lay evidence out that neatly for the press to photograph?" There would be a lot of legit questions about that story, Why rent a U-Haul with no bombs or guns in it to attack the White House?
He could be a Nazi sympathizer and also have serious mental health issues. Driving a truck at a heavily armed and barricaded building is simply not rational regardless of motive. Trying to assassinate a world leader with no weapon is also irrational. Apparently, he felt the need to write down this master plan in his green book. Very bizarre.
Not sure where I fall on this. While on one hand, the nazi flag laid out to present it to the media by the authorities, haven't heard of that many "brown" nazi's, Bidumb just stated white/brown supremacies is biggest terror concern could it be a false flag? I wouldn't put it past them. But on the other hand, is there some really ignorant folks that do really ignorant things out there? Well, yes. So, I'll keep the powder dry on this one.
I assume that this is the photo to which you're referring. The most likely explanation is that the photographer was in the area and was able to take the photo when the law enforcement authorities were inspecting the truck. The photo may very well have been taken by a tourist using his/her cell phone who ended up selling it to the media. As far as your question is concerned keep in mind that the alleged perpetrator is almost certainly not rational. He may have genuinely thought that once he breached the fence using the truck he would have been able to enter the White House and attack the president.