What Your Farts Can Tell You About Your Health Read More: What Your Farts Can Tell You About Your Health - Health Digest Some people would die of embarrassment from just admitting that they pass gas. It's because no one wants to hear or smell your farts. But what if you should be paying attention to how much you fart, and what it smells like? I figured some of you might need this info. A lot of "gas" around here----
Beano and Meta Mucil... Cut down on carbonated drinks. Beano: Benefits, Side Effects, Dosage, and Interactions
I am working with a nutritionist who started with a blood test and stool sample. Amazing what you can learn. Reconfigured my whole diet around my gut deficiencies and previously unknown food allergies or sensitivities. 4 months in. Never felt better-more energy, sleep well, dropped some unnecessary weight. Very happy with the whole process. And, for my wife's sake, I fart a whole lot less. Plus, if you grew up in the 60's during the antibiotic age like many of us did, don't underestimate what those miracle drugs did long term to your gut lining.
There has been a lot of research into the effects of gut bacteria in the last few years. One reason I started taking probiotic supplements.
The blood test examined scores of food products. Turns out (unbeknownst to me) I was allergic or overly sensitive to barley, pork, egg whites, cashews, pineapples, iceberg lettuce, egg whites, products derived from cow's milk and the natural mold that grows in the ground around most coffee beans. (but not like a typical anaphylactic peanut-type allergy that kills you). So I've largely eliminated those foods from my diet-drink only nut milk now, eat mostly goat cheese products, etc. Gave up beer (guess I may be able to find a Japanese rice beer with no barley if I looked). Drink mold free coffee (easy to order online). Hasn't been that difficult but I do miss regular cheese and a good cashew. Also, the stool sample determined what was missing from my gut so I'm also taking daily supplements and probiotics to repair. Will test again after a year and see what has improved.
these work much better than probiotics for me. I have tried multiple probiotics but nothing comes close to the results I get with these. They basically feed the good bacteria you have rather than try to inject new bacteria into your system. I get them at Publix Home - Gutzy Organic
Iceberg lettuce? Pineapples? Must be the bromelain in pineapples. I'm glad I'm not allergic to pineapples... love them. All About Bromelain
My wife: "Does this explain (our) middle school boy's fascination with them?" Me: "It ain't just middle school boys" My wife: "I know. Go sit on the other couch!"
My estimate is that over the course of my 40+ year marriage, I have farted over 800,000 times. That is offset by my wife not having farted a single time.