Even last fall - I was still in the Russia-will-eventually-get-its-shit-together camp, but that camp is all but dismantled. I'm not saying this thing is over, but we're not seeing signs of improved Russian logistics or tactics.
Ukraine has started its invasion of Russia, by liberating border villages in Belgorod with small groups of tanks & infantry. Seems like Russia has a few additional things to worry about. It isn't actually Ukraine's military, but it is anti-Putin Russians (two battalions worth) who are fighting for Ukraine. Pro-Ukrainian fighters launch cross-border tank raid to 'capture' Russian villages (yahoo.com) Yep. Putin's got the whole situation under control. Lookin' good from here. Keep up the good work.
Of course it was unnecessary, Chicken-brains. Why don't you tell it to your hero, Vlad Putin, who started the war? Don't tell me you are still insisting that the U.S. forced Putin into starting the war by moving a peaceful organization closer to his country? Pretty lame . . .
No, he thinks the US is responsible because of Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, and any other foreign military action.
Russian civilians are bugging out. I’d like to see some reporting from the eastern parts of the country. The whole house of cards might ripe for collapse
History started on 2/24/22. Nothing before that. The world was going swimmingly until Putin woke up and wanted to take over shit.
Yeah, the US was after Russia's ass 1941-1945. Lend Lease, convoys, 2nd front, military and humanitarian aid. Funny one never hears a peep from the ski's about that piece of history. Oh and did I forget to mention the skis invaded Finland and Poland during this time period? They signed a non-aggression pact with Hitler!!! That did em some good now didn't it.
They also covered our tanks in a net of directed explosives that made anti tank missiles ineffective.
It was Finland, but yes. Along with Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Romania. All countries that had taken no aggression against the Soviet Union but had the affront to be sitting on land the Russians thought of as “theirs.” Weird how some things never change.
Footage of Ukrainian casualties online now. What a complete waste of lives just to distract the West from the Fall of Bakhmut.
Russia: a gas station masquerading as a country with decent electronic welfare … Ukraine is losing 10,000 drones a month to Russian electronic-warfare systems that send fake signals and screw with their navigation, researchers say
Just a peaceful transition to a less maniacal oligarch after Putin’s unfortunate fall from a balcony.