Des collected a pile of money before he went off the rails with disney and abortion. Deep pockets aren't taking his calls anymore. Iger has big respect across a wide platform. Des picked an odd hill to die on but after getting away with abuse of power for so long he may honestly believe that the law should bend to his divine opinion.
Maybe that's how they think they can help america, and subsequently themselves. They have more than $$, they have widespread infrastructure staffed by professionals that know how to run campaigns. Allow me my small bit of optimism for 24
Last year, the groups engaged in 457 races, with the knocking of 7 million doors and the mailing of more than 100 million pieces of messaging bankrolled by their efforts, according to their post-election audit. Of those races, just 22 were federal, meaning their real impact was on the hyper-local races where the GOP is building its bench. Their win rate? Over 80%, according to the audit, suggesting that the Koch influence was less of a thumb on the scale and more of an elephant.
They may try it, and good for them if they do. I would most likely support a moderate republican over the other options. But the tea leaves certainly seem to be indicating the GOP voters feast on culture war. It's why they don't even put forth a platform anymore. Just gotta find the outage du jour.
Im thinking (hoping) he was defining church broadly, I.e., to include all religions and all houses of worship being left alone by government, rather than the government bowing to a specific church.
I never knew so many on THFSG were so connected to all these campaigns and donors. This inside info is better than the stuff we get on recruits!!
Trump's hardcore supporters probably yourself included are fueled by a sense of grievance and giving Donald Trump credit where credit is due he has managed to convince his supporters that any attack against him is an attack against them. Politically Ron DeSantis is a dead man walking with the only question being does he drop out of the race for the Republican nomination before the first primary like Scott Walker did in September 2015 after losing ground in the polls or wait until he loses a significant primary to Trump like Jeb did following the 2016 South Carolina primary. And let's not forget that Walker won three gubernatorial elections in Wisconsin (two regular elections and a failed recall attempt) while Jeb won two in Florida and at one time both were considered favorites. How it began. Republican Bush still the favorite in political prediction markets Scott Walker leads tight GOP pack in new Iowa Poll And how it ended. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker ends Republican presidential bid Jeb Bush drops out of White House race
The Kochs probably do not care about the culture wars one way or the other. What they're really into is limiting the role of the federal government to regulate industry especially but not limited to environmental regulations. They want a president who would appoint anti-regulation cabinet and subcabinet officials and in the longer run and even more significantly nominate judges and especially SCOTUS justices who would strike down regulations and/or limit the authority of the Federal government regulate industry. Secondary and also important is a low tax agenda. Virtually every potential Republican nominee would fit the bill including Trump. They may not like the Donald but they will definitely support him if he is the nominee.
So, everyone is predicting Desantis to drop out of a presidential campaign that he hasn't even entered? Gotcha
While I would disagree with some of their policies, I would tend to think that both would be competent executives that have the country’s best interests at heart, and I tend to the some of their language bashing Biden as the antichrist is obligatory partisan language. I tend to think Mitt Romney is a reasonable politician but some of his 2012 election language was offputting.
Repubs use to be all about supporting law enforcement. But now, they are all of a sudden against DOJ. And the driver for their change?.... “The FBI and the justice department have become vicious monsters, controlled by radical-left scoundrels" DT.
How is that statement off topic? This whole thread is about not voting for Scott, Hailey and Desantis
The culture wars are the means to the end now, though. As you say, any Republican will do. There is some speculation that Koch funding is behind Moms for Liberty. Stacking Republicans from top to bottom helps them in the long run.
Yes, they are and so are strongly anti-regulatory and anti-tax. Without a nationally viable Libertarian party to get behind, their money goes into foundations and orgs that fund R candidates (and think tanks to turn out white papers and hold conferences and academic departments to indoctrinate young college kids, and law schools to fund professors that will file amicus briefs to the SC in cases that would benefit their business)
I haven’t read a single word about Scott being born in Kenya demanding to see his birth certificate……the long form.
MAGA isn’t conservative at all, it’s authoritarian. Conservatives are more likely to embrace racial diversity, civil liberties and moral freedom to the extent they are already institutionalized. Under Trump even the SCOTUS has been corrupted under his authoritarian MAGA leadership with their rulings as evidence.
No one is giving advice on who to vote for. We’re just discussing the possibilities of the various GOP candidates. Besides, it’s doubtful anyone who supported Trump would be open to anything that wasn’t a conspiracy theory anyway.