I don’t speak for others, only myself. I’m quite positive that would not agree with, nor speak for the loons on the left as well. You and I can disagree, while not defending the crazies who have taken our respective positions to the extremes.
No it’s not. Earlier, I defined those as the line that’s gets crossed when a protest is no longer peaceful. Breaking windows isn’t peaceful, and carrying a torch is no different than carrying any other weapon.
There is no way you could possibly know what she meant. Even so, many red states are trying to take her rights away. I'm going to bet she still votes blue which makes your statement a bunch of BS. To quote, liberal HOGWASH to her means LGTBQ rights. The right is anti-LGTBQ. Got Twitter? I bet she'll answer your statement.
What the heck are you trying to say? If a protest was peaceful from 6-10pm - and someone breaks a window at 10:01 it is now defined as non-peaceful protest? Ridiculous. That makes no sense.
Stop mixing apples and oranges. I didn’t say she has now subscribed to the Fox pay service. ( Don’t know what they call it and don’t care enough to look it up). I was only re-stating what she said, and that was that she had a different perspective. Is she still blue, most likely so. Is she a more reasonable blue who will now think before she believes everything she sees on msnbc? Most likely so as well.
You said liberal hogwash. What did you mean by that then? Now, you know what she is thinking going forward? Seriously? You're just making up stuff as you go along.
Exactly. At 10:01 anyone who knew of the broken window and didn’t leave is no longer a peaceful protester. Is it fair? No. Is it fair when a teenager whose driving gets busted when one of his passengers has drugs or a gun? No. People need to be smart and get away from situations that are getting out of control.
Get over yourself pal. I didn’t say I knew what she was thinking going forward. I said I’m sure that with her saying she had a different perspective and was not protesting as she did before, it sure looks like she has re-thought at least some of her prior beliefs. Do you happen to have any travel planned to Russia?
They are included as well, just like the left wing rabble rousers at the same protests and at the capitol on 1/6. Neither side has clean hands when it comes to 2020/2021.
I didn’t even read her statement as particularly political. She changed her mind about using the flag as protest, but that is all. Totally understandable given what she endured. Almost obvious really. Seems a big stretch to read anything else into it. I don’t think Griner is about to shake someone like Desantis’ hand, for example. Seems laughable to suggest standing for the flag means she changed politics. Hell a lot of GOP wanted to leave her over there, and you have states pursuing “Russia-like” restrictions on LGBTQ people. Arguably, the trends in this country have gotten worse since her 2020 protest since in addition to race issues - you have a harder animus against LGBTQ people in certain red states - Britney is both. But even with that in mind, being an actual political prisoner still undoubtedly changes perceptions in ways us “keyboard warriors” couldn’t understand. Almost like a soldier who saw real combat is different from those who didn’t.
You are SURE. Your words. How is that not knowing what she is thinking? What does SURE mean in your world?
I love pissing loony libs off enough to get them going back to parse words. My work is done for the night. Time for another drink.
Biden doesn’t know who she is, Biden doesn’t know where he is, and cops don’t have a kill black person on their quota.
Are you really trying to say that the people who tried to overthrow an election and those who were protesting the overthrow are somehow equivalent. You need a reality check.
I try to go with what the facts are. I’m asking. It is pretty easy easy to demonstrate that the vast majority of protestors were peaceful. I am asking about protests, how many of them turned violent. There were indeed a few that became decidedly ugly (and I have no patience for that, especially Portland) but there were protests across the nation, so I have no evidence that a majority were violent. If you have differing information please share.
Burn lol. Doesn’t change the facts. Cops don’t wake up looking to kill a black person and Joe doesn’t know where he is.