Brittney Griner changes stance on national anthem after release from Russia Brittney Griner changes stance on national anthem after release from Russia What was also notable is that Griner stood for the national anthem prior to the game. Griner said that her experience being imprisoned in Russia helped change her perspective and added that she plans to continue standing for the anthem from here. “You have the right to protest, the right to able to speak out, question, challenge and do all these things,” said Griner, per ESPN. “What I went through and everything, it just means a little bit more to me now. So I want to be able to stand. I was literally in a cage [in Russia] and could not stand the way I wanted to. “Just being able to hear my national anthem, see my flag, I definitely want to stand,” the eight-time WNBA All-Star added. “Now everybody that will not stand or not come out, I totally support them 100 percent. That’s our right, as an American in this great country.”
Good for her. I understood her stance before, or lack thereof, and I understand it now. She endured a lot
Imagine that! She went somewhere and found out that the liberal hogwash that she had been buying was just that.
I am not a Griner fan, wasn’t a big fan of the deal to bring her home (though I am happy for her), but she has said and done all the right things since coming back. Having said that, the idea that protest is un-American or that people peacefully protesting love this country any less than those who think it’s great are just plain wrong (even when we disagree with the form it takes, and I am not a fan of the NA protests) . In fact an easy argument can be made for the opposite, those willing to risk their standing, financial opportunities, or even their lives to try and make the country better in their eyes can be among the most patriotic.
Ironic to use Cash. If you think he'd be opposed to protest including not standing for the National Anthem, you don't know Cash. Dude would be insta banned from setting foot in Fla & they'd be burning his albums. He's woke as shit. Johnny Cash 'The Ballad Of Ira Hayes' Open Letter p.s. Loretta Lynn had more songs banned in the 1900s than all men making country music combined.
I agree with all of this. I'll just add that while I'm not a fan of the kneeling protest (I think it's a lazy self serving method for most) I have argued people's right to do so over and over. Where I disagree with her completely is trying to get it stopped from being played altogether. Happy for her and it's refreshing to see someone reassess their position on something. That doesn't mean she doesn't still see problems with her country but maybe use more of a scalpel approach as opposed to a chainsaw.
I used Cash because in this concert, before they did Ragged Old Flag he talked about getting ready to go on tour overseas. He said that each time they leave the US and then return they love the US more than when they left it because of our freedoms. Then he acknowledged our right to protest including burning the flag. Then he said that we also have the right to bear arms and if you burn his flag he would shoot you. I don’t have any problems with protests including athletes kneeling or walking off. It is their right. I was simply intending to point out that if one thinks they have it bad here then then should pay an extended visit to some of these communist countries. They will most likely gain the perspective that Britney gained. I would also add that the majority of the “peaceful” protests in 2020 were nothing of the sort. Once a torch gets lit and a window is broken it is no longer peaceful. Arson, vandalism, and looting are not protesting.
Good for her. WRT professional athletes …..entertainers who’ve done little or nothing for the benefit of the nation …… they should have the discernment and creativity to choose forms of protest other than kneeling, etc during the national anthem. But, who would expect those people to be original, authentic.
I can’t speak to what you personally said re: various the flag protestors. But in broad terms, conservatives had VERY big problems with athletes who kneeled for the anthem. Are we pretending they didn’t now? Even though it’s a respectful sort of silent protest. I think the raised fist is similar and perhaps more respectable, but i truly don’t see the issue either way. I mean you had some (including the former President!) calling for punishment, cancellation - and of course even some crazies suggested “deportation” or loss of citizenship for anyone who “disrespect” the flag. Ironically, people like this have no idea it is they who are actually un-American. How many of these people have no issues desecrating U.S. flags with pro-Trump or anti-Biden messaging? Seems like there’s some degree of correlation with that “selective outrage” around the flag. Wonder why? Technically even burning the flag falls under “free speech”. Although obviously that’s a more hostile act, and you can understand a reactive outrage to something like that. Of course a person who burns a flag is likely seeking a reaction… seeking outrage. So the person who gets mad is playing into their hands. My advice would be: don’t!
It's quite possible that she is both thankful for Biden bringing her home, but still thinks cops shouldn't kill black people for no reason...
Do you have any evidence that the majority of said protests were not peaceful? I admit I don’t have actual data but my perception is most of the protests were peaceful with a few notable exceptions. Hell Mitt Romney marched in one.
There is rough data of the amount of protestors. I am sure you can do some quick math and get the % of arrested. I bet it is in the range of .01% overall. I am only guessing but my point is that overall, the vast majority of protests were peaceful. Need some hard data so I admit that this my opinion only.
Go count the ones where a torch was lit or a window broken. You can go ahead and save yourself the time of counting the arson, looting, gaffitti, destruction of private and public property.
That is a pretty broad brush. This is akin of the left trying to paint all cops bad based on a few bad apples.