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So what’s new in DuhSantistan?

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by jjgator55, May 18, 2022.

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  1. tampagtr

    tampagtr VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
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  2. GatorJMDZ

    GatorJMDZ gatorjack VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Wait until strawberries and tomatoes are sold by the gram.
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  3. tampajack1

    tampajack1 Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    That’s why I am watching it over 3 nights. That way, it won’t turn me. My wife is watching it with me though, so I don’t know how she will turn out.
    • Funny Funny x 4
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  4. Swamplizard

    Swamplizard VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Orlando, Florida
    i would guess they will break them up
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  5. BLING

    BLING GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 16, 2007
    Basically same deal as AOC “successfully” canceling Amazon’s HQ2.

    How many of the stone cold losers celebrating this Disney investment pullout as a win thought AOC was ridiculous for stifling a major business investment? I’m guessing near 100% hypocrites blinded by idolatry.
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  6. tampagtr

    tampagtr VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Saw author Eric Larson at a Bar function tonight. In response to a question of whether Churchill would do well politically today, he first mentioned that long speeches that Churchill specialized in are no longer in vogue, he then said "Churchill wouldn't attack Disney". Crowd laughed.
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  7. G8trGr8t

    G8trGr8t Premium Member

    Aug 26, 2008
    so the same folks that put DeS in office are going to have to restructure their businesses to avoid DeS policies and then hold their breath and hope the employees don't leave the state out of fear of being deported. think they are second guessing that support yet?

    DeSantis's E-Verify Won't Work. But If It Did, It Would Be Terrible for Florida's Economy | Opinion (msn.com)

    The idea behind E-Verify is simple enough: In theory, it could make employment impossible for illegal immigrants, driving current illegal residents out of a state and taking away the incentive for more to unlawfully migrant there. In reality, it largely fails to accomplish its goals while causing problems for thousands of innocent people and burdening employers.

    We've already seen E-Verify fail abysmally in the states where it's been implemented. In the states where E-Verify has been mandated, a surprisingly low percentage of affected employers actually comply. In 2015, for example, Mississippi saw only a 41.66 percent compliance rate, meaning that nearly 60 percent of employers didn't actually run their hires through the system. Even the state with the highest compliance rate that year, Arizona, still only obtained a 73.6 percent compliance rate, meaning almost 30 percent of employers didn't run their hires through the system.
    Why is E-Verify so ineffective? "The loophole is that E-Verify checks the documents, it doesn't check the worker," Cato Institute immigrant scholar Alex Nowrasteh told me. What that means in practice is that if an illegal immigrant hands an employer someone else's work documents, it approves the documents—and the person holding them. "It incentives identity theft and identity loans, where people let other people use their ID to get a job."

    Wouldn't employers notice if you hand them your cousin or your brother's ID? Maybe, but maybe not, and frankly, they usually don't care—and it's safer for them to not ask questions.

    "Employers aren't very interested in enforcing this law," Nowrasteh told me. "They don't really care as long as they abide by the letter of the rules and check through E-Verify." They might not look too carefully at the documents, plus if they do, they could get hit by a discrimination claim. "A lot of the folks who are going to have false documents are going to be Hispanic. If they make a mistake, the downsides could be quite bad for them."
    Last edited: May 19, 2023
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  8. G8trGr8t

    G8trGr8t Premium Member

    Aug 26, 2008
    Carville on CNN tonight

    Florida, where woke goes to die and teachers go to jail for playing Disney movies
    • Off-topic Off-topic x 1
  9. docspor

    docspor GC Hall of Fame

    Nov 30, 2010
    As much as Bootsie screwed up with Disney, I think it is possible that his immigration bill does more long term damage to the party. Time will tell. I did not know/remember this Cali history. What this arg leaves out is pissed off employers, people awaiting a roof, farmers, etc. My inlaws own 4 houses in Punta Gorda & are always awaiting a new roof or repair to one.


    Thirty years ago, California was a reliably red state governed by Pete Wilson, one of the country’s most prominent conservatives of the time. Many saw Wilson as a future president, and as Wilson looked to burnish his conservative credentials for a national run, he threw his weight behind the now-infamous Proposition 187, one of the most egregiously anti-Latino and anti-immigration laws in U.S. history. The policy aim of Proposition 187 barred undocumented immigrants from receiving government services, but its practical impact was that Latino Americans all across California became profiled, harassed and abused. Latinos felt less safe in their own communities and deeply disrespected by the Republican Party.

    So they voted. The mobilization of Latino voters to the polls in the aftermath of Proposition 187 was largely responsible for turning California — the nation’s biggest electoral prize — from red to reliably blue. With that history in mind, Gov. Ron DeSantis’ highly calculated decision to champion and sign the similarly anti-immigrant SB 1718 into law may be seen years from now as one of the great political blunders of our time.
    • Informative Informative x 6
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    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  10. tampagtr

    tampagtr VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    A human story about the cruelty of the new standards. And I know this will not change the true believers - this is the policy working as planned. I know enough of them to know they would not think that what this family went through is a bad thing:

    Deborah occasionally stifled sobs or turned to quiet Kaiden, until she could contain her feelings no longer, and Lee reached over to embrace her slender shaking frame.

    Rogell lingered at the funeral home after others left, staring at the urn that contained his 16th grandchild’s ashes and trying to reconcile his own misgivings about elective abortion with the months of suffering he watched his daughter and her family endure. Now, he was haunted by the sound of Milo gasping for air and the sight of his body struggling to ward off a death that had been inevitable for three long months.

    “To me it’s just pure torture,” Rogell said. “The law has created torture.”

    The mail brings reminders of the Dorberts’ new financial burdens, invoices for all the things they wish had never happened: $12,320 so far in medical costs — not including induction and delivery, $7,000 for Milo’s cremation and funeral, and $500 for the keepsakes in memory of their son. The bills keep coming. Deborah estimates that Lee’s health insurance will pick up about half of the medical costs, some of which will be offset by a GoFundMe appeal that one of her sisters set up.

    • Informative Informative x 4
  11. G8trGr8t

    G8trGr8t Premium Member

    Aug 26, 2008
    DeS private flights around the globe funded by not for profit out of Michigan. If the flights were for political purposes, and they were, that cost is considered a political contribution well in excess of FEC allowable amounts.

    Questions raised about mysterious non-profit paying for DeSantis' cross-country travels

    As the Times' Alexandra Berzon and Rebecca Davis O’Brien wrote, DeSantis has been getting a financial assist from rich donors as he makes inroads outside of his state and, while some of them are well-known, others are funneling money through a Michigan non-profit that is keeping their identities secret.

    The report notes "trips paid for by the nonprofit group, And To The Republic, do not appear in state records," before adding, "The group is registered as a social welfare organization under Section 501(c)(4) of the federal tax code, meaning its primary activity cannot be related to political campaigns."

    According to the Times, Tori Sachs, the executive director of And To The Republic "would not say how much was spent on the flights or who paid for them."

    • Informative Informative x 6
  12. jjgator55

    jjgator55 VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    So it appears DeSantis believes parents are either too irresponsible or incapable of protecting their children, so the state must come in and do it for them. It also appears parents who go along with DeSantis agree they can’t do the job as parent.

    “We’re protecting kids,” said Gov. Ron DeSantis during the bill signing. “And we’re going to protect kids when it’s popular, we’ll protect kids even when you take some incoming as a result of maybe offending some ideologies or some agendas out there, but that’s fine.”
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Come On Man Come On Man x 1
  13. tampagtr

    tampagtr VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    He's protecting kids like Putin is protecting Ukrainian kids they kidnap and conceal
    • Agree Agree x 2
  14. middleoftheroadgator

    middleoftheroadgator All American

    May 19, 2023
    Let me re-emphasize. This is a losing issue for the GOP. The refusal to even semi-compromise on this issue will ultimately cost them Congress and the WH. Look for it to start to erode Red strongholds as well. It is an absolute loser of a hand. Fold. You can't do your party any good if you get voted out of office because you were too rigid on a single issue. How can you action out your platform, if you never get a chance because you refuse to budge on a single issue. Is that one issue worth losing all the others for? I bet they would all agree the 2A would make them vote for anyone, even a Democrat, if it came down to it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Disagree Bacon! Disagree Bacon! x 1
  15. gator_lawyer

    gator_lawyer VIP Member

    Oct 30, 2017
    It could potentially be catastrophic to consumers and businesses in the state. And his new higher-ed bill may cost Florida universities millions (or tens of millions) in federal grants. Just insane how destructive one fool's ambitions can be, particularly when the clowns in the legislature are too afraid to stand up to him. Glad I got my roof done back in April.
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  16. gator_lawyer

    gator_lawyer VIP Member

    Oct 30, 2017
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  17. duggers_dad

    duggers_dad GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 5, 2022
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  18. Sohogator

    Sohogator GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 22, 2012
  19. BLING

    BLING GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 16, 2007
    I would say every football coach recruiting against us should show this warning as negative recruiting, but the realty is most football states are similarly hostile throughout the Southeast. Definite reversion.

    Like… it would obviously be ridiculous for the Alabama or Mississippi coaches to point out this issue with recent Florida politics. But that probably won’t stop Saban or Kiffin.
    Last edited: May 21, 2023
  20. Sohogator

    Sohogator GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 22, 2012
    I can’t not root for my Gators but if DeSatan helps ruin our university and football team I’m going to be a band wagon Texas Fan. Austin is delightfully woke.
    Last edited: May 21, 2023
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