Obama commuted his sentence now he is up for another life sentence. Suburban Man Whose Sentence Was Commuted by President Obama Charged for Interstate 57 Shooting – NBC Chicago
Obviously not excusing this shooting, but mandatory life in prison with no possibility of parole seems excessive for conspiracy to distribute cocaine. 22 years served seems like more than enough.
Not unclever, I'll give you that. But using that criteria and considering rearrest rates, no one would ever be released from prison. Every sentence would be life.
great idea. What do you suggest. Say after 5th arrest, minimum 25 years. Maybe 10th arrest life in prison ?
Probably depends on the crime, don’t you think? meanwhile, does anyone think this guy should not have been released? That at the age of 25 with two previous minor convictions, he should have gotten life without parole for being a street-level courier? Even the sentencing judge disagreed with it.
Some make the most of their commutations and some don't. The reality is Obama had no way of knowing this guy would act out again. Sounds like it's at least been 14 years since his commutation when this incident occurred?
Sadly I already knew the color of the accused’s skin based on the thread title and poster before clicking into it. What gives?
I hate to break your heart but I saw this story on another message board and immediately thought this is a story for too hot. I didn't even know the race of the man at the time. As a matter of fact until you mentioned it I didn't know for sure the race of the man, never looked at the picture just read the story. Nice try but you failed.
Do you, 51, after reading the story, think that he should not have had his sentence commuted? &, if so, why?
What gives? Your judgement based on a thread title and your political disagreement w/ ‘51 Given your judgement, it seems as though you would have kept this guy in prison forever; so, in an ironic twist, you’re supporting ‘51’s position.
Like everything, there is always a gray area. Everything can't be black and white 24/7. Otherwise, we are approaching minority report stuff and I emphasize MINORITY. The war on drugs failed miserably. If I had to guess, the man was released and had trouble finding steady work with a felony conviction on his record. With little or no options, he most likely returned to a life of crime. That is still a choice however, and he will pay the consequences. Rehabilitation of prisoners is severely lacking in this country.
Ok I am posting this for the boards enjoyment. I never intended to post this picture but after City's comment I thought some of you might get a kick out of it. I have got to admit last night I did have the thought "what would the folks at too hot think of this?". The funny thing about the evening is Mrs 51 & I got dressed up thinking we were going to our granddaughter's High School graduation.....it turned out we were going to little brothers pre K graduation. We felt a little overdressed walking in. Then when we walked in the door we got the real surprise. Guess which kid is our grandson Lincoln? It was a cute little celebration, the kids sang and danced then got their diplomas. We enjoyed it, the high school graduation isn't till next week.
It’s too bad this guy didn’t embrace the wonderful opportunity given him by Turban Durbin and Barack Obama.
Damn. I thought this thread was gonna be 51 stating his hood bona fides and declaring himself a thug for life
I read that story somewhere else... it's disgusting that this career violent criminal was released from his life sentence, because one person thought he had been rehabilitated. You can't rehabilitate habitual violent criminals.