Had his GF model for the Figurehead Roman Abramovich’s yacht Eclipse has a mini submarine on board and two helipads. Bernard Arnault’s yacht has a grand piano and a cinema. Jeff Bezos’s new yacht also has a name—Koru—and has three large masts, making it a sailing schooner that harkens back to the golden age of seafaring (though, at 417 feet, way bigger than those boats generally were). It’s the Renaissance fair of the seas. Jeff Bezos Really, Really Likes His Girlfriend, According to the Figurehead Apparently Made in Her Image on His Estimated $500 Million Yacht
We were in the Netherlands recently and some locals were commenting on Bezos paying to dismantle one of their historic bridges just to get his yacht out of town. Rotterdam, I believe.
These guys usually go for rich hot (Gwyneth Paltrow is the patron saint of rich hot), not actual hot. His last wife was a perfect example of rich hot too.
As fun as it can be watching wealthy people lifestyles in a show like Succession or Wolf of Wall Street, it's even crazier to think that guys like Bezos and Musk are on an even different level. Oprah is rich; Bill Gates is wealthy. If Bill Gates woke up tomorrow with Oprah's money, he'd jump out of a window and slit his throat on the way down saying, 'I can't even put gas in my plane!' -Chris Rock
These yachts aren't even really traditional pleasure yachts either, they are basically huge naval vessels with helo pads and mini subs, designed to live on almost indefinitely. I remember when Dan Snyder basically stayed on his yacht for months moving around to avoid having to do anything when the NFL was investigating his team.
Yeah, she's had a little too much obvious work to be rich hot, gotta be more subtle to be Paltrow tier. She's firmly in the aging wanna-be trophy wife class. Kinda makes sense since he's clearly a steroids dude going with the jacked middle age guy look. They'd look great in bedazzled jeans.
Uhmm..the bridge wasn't dismantled. The ship was moved elsewhere for completion to avoid it. You really need better sources It’s Official: Rotterdam Will Not Dismantle Historic Bridge for Jeff Bezos’s Superyacht