You have nothing to tell me about Americans and white supremacists. I came from a family of white supremacists. All my surviving relatives are white supremacists, every damn one of them. And yes, "they are Americans" whether I like it or not.
Indeed. I read it as white grievance or All Lives Matter. Why else include "two"? In reality, racism isn't so much a 2 way street but a n x n matrix.
White supremacist defenders threw their capes on and rushed in here as soon as they saw the thread title
That's your burden. You get what you give. Feigned responses. And no, thank you for getting involved when you weren't summoned.
If you feel attacked by white supremacist’s being rightfully targeted as a threat, you may be at the least, sympathetic to their cause or identity with them as part of your political tribe..
That’s not really terrorism. Terrorism must include an objective to influence the government to do something they want by which inflicting terror on the populace.
Why are people who are not black, and likely don’t care if black people are offended on 99.999% of other comments, trying to force outrage on a joke. Most of us understood Biden’s joke and we are not offended by it.
It is baffling that you would reach that conclusion to his comment. That makes no sense. Please elaborate.
I’m saying that I don’t think people who are outraged by it are being genuine. There are politics behind this, yes, we agree on that. I don’t think that it’s a matter of “which white guy said it”, as you said, because they aren’t saying the same things, and one statement was meant as a joke and the other is not.
It makes perfect sense. I can't deconstruct this. It is a statement of logic. Biden has made unabashedly racist statements in the past and always gets a pass from liberal blacks. Not from conservative blacks. It is political.
Oh come on. He didn't "admit" that in any way. He didn't mention conservatives making jokes or only "liberal blacks" giving a pass. You put words in his mouth ("bad strawman, bad!") and failed to acknowledge, appreciate or challenge his actual meaning.
Biden said white supremacists are the biggest danger to our country. I doubt he remembers saying it but maybe he can tone it down? He should go back and watch his speeches and diatribes on crime and race in the 90’s. Illuminating. I’m a white male who is a conservative. By definition on this site it makes me a racist according to many of the Dems here. It’s funny considering they are the ones that bring race into every topic and situation.
I know several white men who are conservative and not racists or bigot. They’re all independents though. They’re largely unicorns in the GOP.