It's quite a place that Florida is carving out for itself. Is a Scopes monkey trial in our future? Florida county school district sued by largest U.S. publisher over book ban
Escambia County, located in Florida's panhandle and home to Pensacola... Sorry again, guys. It's crazy up here.
That’s going to leave a mark but if the school district is just following state law then what’s the basis for the suit? All the state will do is hold them harmless so they can’t be sued.
1st and 14th, I would guess. The county via the school board is the party that ordered the books removed, not the state. That law doesn’t ban a single book. But it (might) give(s) cover for book bans. I suppose we’ll find out because that will have to be the defense. The law doesn’t say to ban all the non-white and straight materials. Although that’s obviously the intent it isn’t that brazen. But now that that is the documented outcome, there is a way to litigate. But you have to sue the actual perpetrators of the action. A court is not an agent of the state. I believe Florida elects their circuit and county judges. I of course understand the recent vigor and success by the conservative movement to capture judiciaries to make this a moot point, but no court *should* simply rubber stamp any state law, illegal ones pass all the time. That is the ostensible point of separating legislators and judiciaries.
LMFAO! Since when do publishers have the right to tell libraries which books that have to keep in their library? That's like a food product seller telling Publix which food they have to sell... or that they have to sell their food in Publix. Publishers DICTATING to Libraries which books to carry... Lol. Let us know when Playboy and Hustler sue Libraries for not showing their published works.
Lol.. yeah, We in the U.S.A. still have regulations and laws. But we are free to elect those that can change them... Say hello to your master Xj jinping.
People who don't even live here complaining about living here? You can buy those books at any book store they just don't allow them in schools
If parents have the right to get books removed based on their own bigotry, do other parents have the right to put them back, or is this just a one way street?
You can say that about any book in a library. Having to take your child to the book store to buy a book may be time and cost prohibitive for parents. library - A collection or group of collections of books and/or other print or nonprint materials organized and maintained for use. Benefits of a school library include resource access and the promotion of literacy. Students may not be aware of interests until they discover them by browsing. That discovery may be important to spark the love of reading. I know it was for me. I can't believe I have to explain libraries to an adult.
My big question to all of the pro-censors is this: Why don’t you police what your own child reads, and let other parents police what their child reads? Why do the censors get to hide books from others, merely because they find it offensive?!?! Start parenting your own child.
I am just waiting for someone to file a complaint against every book in a school district and have every book in every library removed. Including text books
Captain Underpants was banned from school libraries at one point so was the goose bump series school libraries are just that school libraries. There are public libraries that carry all the books you could want you can download them online also it's a shame an "adult" doesn't know that.....