The score is now: Patriot Systems: 7 Russian Krapzhal Missiles: 0.18 (maybe . . . that's one sixth of a Patriot system, at best.) And if you keep bringing up this embarrassing subject, Putin might put you on trial for treason. I'm sure we could take up a collection and pay for your one-way ticket to Moscow, if you think it would help.
I remember when the New England Patriots gave away their location, they couldn't win any Super Bowls. No, wait . . . If you can destroy everything that comes at you, it doesn't matter whether the opponent can see you or not. So far, the Patriot system is pretty much at that level compared to the little, pathetic Russian Kinzhal Dagger. Tell Putin to send seven daggers next time--maybe that will be the magic number.
Alas, they cannot. Too many professional janitors have been sent unceremoniously to Ukraine, and the cleanup considerations for the method you propose are staggering.
Jeffrey Lewis, whom I respect after following for years, with some useful perspective on the Patriot claims (thread)
It gets worse. Patriot is not even our top-tier theater ballistic missile defense asset. THAAD is. If Patriots can intercept their “hypersonic” missiles, what chance do the Russians have in getting through THAAD? I just want to thank Putin, once again, for the invaluable assistance he has given to our defense industry. I mean, I still look for the day he is strung up by his own people, but credit where credit is due. There was a crisis of confidence in our technological advantage over the Russians and Chinese going into this war. Many people felt our stealth aircraft couldn’t penetrate their IADS, our anti-tank missiles couldn’t defeat their top tanks, our long-range artillery wouldn’t work, we couldn’t intercept their missiles, and so on. But then Putin went and gave us an opportunity to prove (mostly to ourselves) that the capabilities of the Javelin, MLRS, Patriot, F22, and F35 exceeded our most optimistic projections. Even the most ardent MIC conspiracy theorists have to grudgingly admit that the defense industry has not just been robbing the taxpayers blind for the last 20 years. So — say it with me — thanks, Putin.
Oh yeah. Lewis' geographical concentration (where he was involved in Arms Control when in government) is DPRK. He has covered THAAD a lot in terms of the Korean Peninsula
It could be. If it is, not much better in my opinion. The people, maintenance, and logistics are almost certainly better, but who knows? You never understand what kind of team you have until they take the field. Russia was basically like Notre Dame: bucking for preseason championships, but mostly ghastly in play.
I think they have about 100 “advanced” tanks. Would notwant to be associated with their design or build if Russia ever deploys them…
This last week has been really hard on “Russia is running out of missiles.” Also, as the Battle of Bakhmut finally ends, let’s reflect on the fact that NATO threw the better part of an Army Corps in to hold the city against a private military company and lost. Truly remarkable.
Supposedly, one or two components of the six components of the Patriot system were damaged. One was a generator: I don't know how exact the generator has to be with current, voltage, and frequency supplied to the Patriot, but generators are not uncommon devices. They might be able to pick one up at the Kiev Home Depot. They aren't saying how badly damaged the components are, or how long it would take to get back on-line, but I suspect that it is already back on-line, based on the fact that Putin sent in 30 missiles last night from three directions, and Ukraine shot down 29 of them.