First of all 'the left' isn't any more monolithic than 'the right.' Second, no most liberals would not consider you a racist. Your question speaks of victimhood more than anything else.
Being an American means first and foremost that Uncle Sam will take from the fruits of your labors. It need not carry one's lofty ideals of what it should be, could be, or used to be. Opinions of what a "good" American means have become too irreconcilable to have any unifying purpose. So yes, they are Americans whether you like it or not.
But I thought those were the elites? Now they are simpletons? Make up your mind. You keep talking in circles to make an erroneous point. Just keep your head in the sand where it belongs. Your hate for those you don't like can stir down there.
So, on the one hand you are mad these people get lumped in with Republicans by some nebulous "left" you cant articulate, but on the other hand they are just lumped in by you as Americans like you and I. What are you actually mad at? Soiling the good name of the Republican party? America? Yeah, that one is already tarnished I guess.
Disagree. If I had one black friend, I'd have more black friends than white friends. Everyone's situation is different.
There is something really cowardly about so many white supremacists. I'll never forget when I worked in the Department of Corrections (a hotbed of racism), I was sitting with a couple of fellow white employees in the outer office of our supervisor, who was black. One of the employees casually used the N word, then realized that the boss's inner office door was open. The employee leaned forward anxiously and whispered, "Do you think he heard me?" What difference would it make, big man? Stand up for your convictions.
If you just had one friend and you called him your black friend that would be pretty racist. You'd just call him your friend because there would be no others to contrast with where you'd have to make such a distinction for any practical purpose. If I own one car, I dont call it my black car, just my car.
Its funny because all those chuds will defend themselves by saying they are just saying what everyone else is afraid to, yet they cover their faces when they march in public and meet in secret.
Well, Biden has pretty much defined White Nationalists as domestic terrorists. He also said if you didn't vote for him, you ain't black, which leads me to wonder what else he thinks you ain't if you're white and didn't vote for him.
Can you: A) Be white B) Vote Reublican C) Not get defensive and offended when white nationalism is called out as an issue Because that doesn't seem to be the case
I would assume the US government would brand any ideology which called for the violent overthrow or usurpation of the federal government a terrorist, and white nationalism fits that bill, and there are ample examples of white supremacist terrorism dating back to Reconstruction, but obviously the more recent kind after Vietnam. Until 9/11 they accounted for the most deadly act of terrorism on US soil.
Obama was bringing people together like a modern MLK, you heard right-wingers saying it all the time back then