'Devastating': Pandemic learning loss needs urgent attention in U.S., national survey finds just confirms what many knew, school closures on the most part were not needed, but the teachers union/fear mongers got their way.
The whole civilized world erred on the side of caution and closed schools out of an abundance of caution. You need to get over it.
they were kept closed way longer than needed, again, bowing to the teachers unions over education of children
obviously they did not learn better, but much worse. schools should have been re-opened on a year round basis if needed to teach children properly.
Guess that whole home-schooling experiment was a bust then. Parents can’t do the job but republicans think parents know more about educating kids than the teachers.
Obviously, nobody thought they'd learn better. We shut schools down to prevent people from dying from the pandemic.
It needs to be brought up weekly so all those who supported these damaging policies never forget the damage they caused… This was and will be the biggest Public Health Disaster of our lifetimes. It was evil. Wrong. And sadly those who should be held accountable won’t be.
I think physical and in-person interaction is important for kids. Social isolation hurts adults too for that matter. We are social creatures. But there were complicated trade offs and a lot of confusion. There was the issue of many grandparents and teachers who were high risk, for example, while the vast majority of kids felt fine even if they tested positive. With respect to the cause and severity of the damage resulting from school closures, I think we’d need to compare the U.S. with other countries. And U.S. states with other states. And then create a formula to factor in and weigh those jurisdictions’ respective Covid health outcomes generally against the damage from school closures.
And how many lives were lost? Does that matter to you? Here come the hindsighters, which was oh so predictable. Frankly, ya'll are almost a year late. But I guess Q was out in front back in the Hobby Lobby days.