The complaint reads like… I mean I can’t even explain it. Summarize to say Giuliani is accused of really bad harassment and sexual assault.. oh.. and the complainant says she has audio tape and emails regarding Giuliani selling $2m pardons that he’d split with Trump. Filing is here: https://eddsa.blob.core.usgovclouda...y_v_Rudolph_W_Giuliani_et_al_COMPLAINT_10.pdf Story is here: Rudy Giuliani sued by former employee for alleged sexual assault and harassment
If this is even remotely true, what a crap show. It would be beyond ironic though if it were Rudy who finally brought Trump down.
I'm interested to see how quickly we go from "she's lying" to "it's not actually illegal for the president to charge for pardons."
Yeah, could be but consider this: is the allegation involving selling pardons so far out of character for trump that you would bet even $100 against it?
Lol… He allegedly made her give oral sex while in the phone with Trump because he wanted to be like Bill Clinton. Woman who accuses Rudy Giuliani of sexual harassment files lurid legal documents | Daily Mail Online
Remember when he was America’s Mayor after 911? One of the largest falls from grace in history. He is now a cocktail party joke.
Seems like he has a serious drinking problem. Can't imagine allegedly drinking all day at that age - much less allegedly allowing someone to record your drunken conversations.