There have been lots of them including Regan. Definitely need some type of coloring in the lines test
As I recall, Woodrow Wilson suffered a disabling stroke the last year of his tenure and his staff was able to cover it up.
Definitely should not happen, she had needed to retire for years. Pretty shameful she is still there. Bet she’s not alone though.
I was going to say, they didn’t do much of a job “covering up” since it’s pretty openly talked about. Problem is if she refuses to go, not much can be done. I don’t think there’s a constitutional solution like the 25th Amendment. So I guess a family member would have to get “power of attorney” and sign her resignation for her. But I’m not sure she’s that far gone, to take power of attorney the person has to be pretty fully incapacitated. If she can communicate her wishes, it may be impossible.
No, they have the power and do not need to consult her for anything, it is truly a rubber stamp. If they appoint another D, they might actually have to capitulate a little to that person's desires. I have made the realization that everything is about money or power. Everything leads back to that. None of our elected officials do anything because it is the right thing to do, it is all about the payoff either in $$ or power.
The Senate could expel her with 2/3 vote. Pretty sure a state can’t “recall” a Senator or congressperson.
She would have to resign. There's no other way to get her out of office as there would never be enough votes to expel her
It was obvious during the last SCOTUS hearing or two under Grassley that she was bewildered. I blame her family more than her staff. They all still work for her, but her family should have had an intervention and gotten her out. She certainly wasn’t doddering at work and sharp at home.
She represents 40 million people. This is just one of many reasons why California needs to be broken up into at least 10 states.
In fact some historians consider his wife Edith the defacto president during his last year in office. The summary of a book on the subject. Madam President : the secret presidency of Edith Wilson / William Hazelgrove | Smithsonian Institution Edith Wilson: The First Lady Who Became an Acting President — Without Being Elected