i understand that the mother should have opened the nuggets box and checked how hot they were before giving them to the child, takes what,3 seconds? check nostradamus
This is why PIP attorneys have a bad name. And there are many great PIP attorneys. But this is a nonsense case that brings a bad name to PIP…
And when a restaurant hands food to you through a window it is a reasonable expectation that it is immediately ready to eat, not flung at you out of the deep frier.
WTF fast food joints are you going to that are giving you food that will burn your kids? And why did you do that??
Everything you recall about the coffee incident is wrong. Not surprising. McDonalds and some other big corporations got together and spread a bunch of misinformation to push through caps on damages and other laws that would make it harder to sue/recover against them. She was the passenger in the car, it was parked, and she was taking the lid off to add sugar/creamer.
They also admitted to super-heating it because their market research suggested some people who waited to drink it after arriving at their destination were dissatisfied to find it not as hot as they wanted it. IOW, customers expected it to be drinking temp after 20 minutes. So they heated it far above that to make it happen. The manual dictated 180-190 F into the cup. FTR, 212 F is boiling point for water. Just imagine it was your imaginary social war enemy handing you this near boiling drink.
I don’t agree with that. I and others expect it to be fresh off the grill or out of the fryer and then I wait until it’s cool enough to eat it. For instance, I always start eating my fries before my kids because I can take the hotter temperatures but I still have to wait or take a drink because it’s burning my mouth. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve burnt myself with hot pizza.
That’s a fair expectation. From what I’ve read, the girl wasn’t burned from eating the food but had it pressed against her leg for two minutes. Wait, what? You have an object burning you and it takes two minutes to separate from it? Something seems off.
Agreed. As a former restaurant manager I can assure you food being sent back to be remade which costs time, money, and the flow of the kitchen, greatly exceeds the number of lawsuits against from food being too hot. You absolutely have to get the food out as fast as humanly possible. Especially Togo orders since you don’t know for sure if the customer plans to eat it immediately or take it home. The time from fryer, to grease drain, to bag/box the item, to bag/box the order, to hand it off to the window, to hand it off to the customer should be more than long enough for the food to be edible.
A detail that I never quite understood about the coffee lawsuit was, how was 180-190 considered unnecessarily hot when Starbucks brews their coffee at 195-205.
The one I don't understand is the Roundup suit....I can still go to Home Depot and buy Roundup even though the formula hasn't been changed.
This country is incapable of accepting the fact that sometimes shit happens and its not anyone's fault. Someone always has to pay for it in this country. Just another example of American exceptionalism.
https://www.wfla.com/news/florida/f...aughter-was-disfigured-by-hot-chicken-nugget/ If this is correct, it's a money grab by the parents.
The jury (assuming it's a jury trial) will get to weigh all the evidence, instead of an opening statement from McDonalds' attorney, and make the call.
From the media reports, the McNugget got caught between the seatbelt and the girl's leg, and the girl here was an autistic four year old. We're not talking about a 17 year old.