Personal experience tells me that once you jump off the Trump train, shower, and then watch it race off the tracks as it speeds away, that you have no desire to jump back on.
It's pretty funny to look at the pro-DeSantis threads and posts from last year. Now everyone is jumping off the DeSantis train too.
Trump is gonna Trump. Would take DeSantis over Trump easily. He will end up being the gop nominee but I think its a huuuge mistake.
Why can't we just get a resonable Republican on the Presidential ticket? It would be nice to go "sane" again!
Just me but I think Ron missed big time with this anti gay anti trans agenda. He can be an effective politician, regrettably he has choosen to make his stand on a social issue that may not have national traction. Wish he would have made his platform on a more traditional Republican agenda. Trump is just a self serving crook trying to stay out of jail. He has no interest in the country as a whole.
I shudder to think what this man would do to the country with a second term. I would so vote for almost any Republican that was not maga and whom does not support the overthrow of the American system and buddies up with the likes of Putin and Rocket man. Evangelicals got what they wanted - The two supreme court judges and Row overtuned. Now there is no excuse. For Evangelicals to continue to support such a heinous and dishonest crook will make me once and for all give up on that community.
I’m not sure he “missed” anything; that is who DeSantis is! He doesn’t hide from it,either. What you see is what you get. The problem is that voters think it’s just a show and things won’t be “like that” once he gets elected- all politicians pander. But DeSantis has demonstrated he will be exactly like that, he will push his agenda with no rest, with no break, with no shelter, and with no shame.
Why is that funny? The real Americans are hoping a good candidate surfaces so we can stymie progressive aggression.
Who are the real Americans? The ones who voted for Trump twice but then switched to supporting DeSantis after they decided he had a better chance of winning in 2024 than Trump (and not because Trump tried to overthrow our democracy)?
Not gonna lie, I would seriously consider voting for a reasonable Republican over some of the bleh candidates Democrats have trotted out lately. But as long as Republicans keep trotting out deranged, loony conspiracy theorists, social media trolls, proud white supremacists etc there’s zero chance I’ll vote for them
Is this finally the cycle where a third party candidate could get some decent traction? There have been a few articles lately talking about some big money out there that may back a more centrist ticket. Biden/Trump is just a total disaster. The American people deserve better than this.
The other issue with voting for a reasonable Republican (if you can find one) is that the inmates are running the asylum in the Repub party. Voting for a Repub means you're voting for the likes of MTG, Gaetz, Boebert, Gosar, Jim Jordan, Tuberville etc. The crazies aren't the fringe of the party, they control the party.