I like to think Hank wouldn’t want to vote for either of them. He’d decide he needs to write in a candidate and mentions it to Peggy. Bill overhears through an open window. Bill tells Dale and Boomhauer. Peggy, Bill, and Dale each spend the episode trying to persuade Hank to write them in - subtly at first but then more and more overtly, eventually negative campaigning against each other. Hank commiserates with Boomhauer, who doesn’t care about earning Hank’s vote. Hank casts his vote and writes in Boomhauer. He then refuses to tell anyone who he voted for, giving a nice little closing speech about the secret ballot.
“Trump steamrolls CNN” -- Fox News celebrates Donald Trump town hall filled with uncorrected lies and misinformation https://www.mediamatters.org/fox-ne...onald-trump-town-hall-filled-uncorrected-lies
Some say CNN made a huge mistake giving Trump that platform, but on the other hand the town hall has reminded people, specifically independents and moderate Republicans, why they didn’t vote for Trump the last time. The only people he reached were the 30% of the population that believe viruses don’t exist, the Covid vaccine contains a tracking chip so the government can track you, and and birds aren’t real but are actually government surveillance drones.
I was flipping thru channels last night and watched about 45 seconds of Huckabee saying how many votes Trump gained last night by dominating cnn
I forgot it was on last night, thank God. I watched The Thin Man instead, until I fell asleep halfway through it. I haven't seen a whole movie in weeks. Should I see a doctor?
One moment that was subtle, but surprised me about Trump. While him and Collins were standing, both were animating their points with their hands, and Trump sort of brushed her hand. I found it telling that he didn’t stop talking to apologize to her or acknowledge the inadvertent brush. It reminded me of what he might be used to with his wife. Makes me feel different now about Joe and shoulder rubs and hair sniffing. Both are old men who really don’t have boundaries. Can’t believe this is all our country has to offer.
I was watching "The Emperor has no Clothes" and then flipped to CNN to watch..........."The Emperor".
You can't convince Trump voters of anything. They are impervious to facts. They love listening to him roll over fact checkers and reality based commentators. It remains to be seen if this kind of thing will serve as a reminder to the anti-Trump voters next November why they dislike him. It will be a good source of video clips for future campaign ads.
PolitiFact - Fact-checking Donald Trump’s CNN town hall claims on Jan. 6, abortion, Mar-a-Lago documents
Those poor overworked folks at FactCheck. Would have been easier and more succinct to take a transcript of everything trump said and just put a big red Horseshit stamp on every page.
p. Not that there was any doubt to begin with but Fox and its viewers live an alternative reality. If nothing else the headline demonstrates that's Fox [not really] News is still Fox and that it is trying to retain and/or win back the viewers that it may have lost as the result of the Dominion settlement and the sacking of Tucker Carlson.
Absolutely. If nothing else the townhall demonstrated that Trump has not changed in the least from his apparent love of Vladimir Putin to his taking credit for packing the Supreme Court so that Roe v Wade would be overturned to his defense of the family separation policy as a deterrent to illegal immigration to his continued election denialism. As another poster suggested, the townhall provided very effective material for opposition candidate ads not only for Biden in the presidential election also for candidates running down ballot for House and Senate seats considering the history of the way Republicans in the House and Senate have rallied behind Trump.
I’m hopeful someone on the debate stage will look at him straight on and call him a liar. I don’t want to hear “you’re mistaken Mr. President,” or “I believe you’re confusing your facts,” I want someone to say “You’re lying.”