I’m not sure I can watch it all but right of the bat his body language is terrible looking down repeating the big lie he looks defeated which he is…
Just started watching, but he seems to be more than willing to put the rope around his own neck. So far nothing has changed in his rap. The moderator isn’t cutting him any slack.
They stacked the crowd for him there’s a couple of younger guys clapping like seals. Pretty sure they’re autistic, one looks like he has Down’s syndrome.
Those are the toadies pulling for the schoolyard bully while a girl is beating him up. He doesn’t even have the guts to look at the moderator.
Kaitlin is taking him apart (very politely) but he bulldozes on with BS. Mistake to give him any air time.
I tried, I really did but "greatest economy in the history of the world, energy dominant, I rebuilt the economy, lowest recession in history, most secure border in history, middle class tax cuts" I can't take anymore. If you Rs nominate this idiot, its on you.
What is this, you folks are actually watching this? I think during the great plague of 1346-1353, they called what ya'll are doing: Self Flagellation!
Heat and Panthers both playing eliminations games right now. Why you guys wasting your time watching this trash?!?
I turned it off. He’s like some guy telling you the same joke you’ve heard a million times before. Boring.