There's nothing shitty about our great country. Anyone who thinks it's shitty in my opinion is also mental and their part of the problem
It was an awesome country. Look around you and face facts. A country is only as awesome as the people living in it. A third of a billion people living here and Joe Biden and Donald Trump embody our hopes for the future. There is no other way.
Yeah man, my 9 year old has to go through active shooter drills and school at my 3 year old has an armed guard at her playground at our Synagogue preschool. Nothing I’d change about this perfect country!
Wow my kids have never gone through anything like that, where do you live? Like I said you can't blame our great country on a few whackos, every country wackos. We always had a school resource officer who was armed at our school even when I went to school. I remember we had to get under our desk for tornado drills also.
They don't mind the abundance of trans topics. Thread topics righties approve of: -Random crimes by black or brown person -Violence in Chicago, NY, LA, San Francisco, Baltimore -Trans Thread topics righties don't approve of: -Mass shootings -Gun-related oopsies (boy shot knocking on door, kids shot playing hide and go seek etc) -Racism -Police brutality
Actually, that's a false statement, my responses to the personal attacks have been way down. Everything is great and loving being retired. Who's life for you?
Clearly your kids are older because I’m pretty sure active shooter drills are the norm nation wide now. The officer at the synagogue has always been there, but usually sat in his car. With mass shootings on the rise we’ve noticed recently that he’s on the playground and actively watching the gates/parking lots. We live in Suwanee Ga, and the synagogue is in Alpharetta. Hardly dangerous areas in the northern suburbs of Atlanta. Since mental health is the rights new buzzword, let me ask you this. What do you think it’s doing to a kids mental health to constantly go through active shooter drills and be raised thinking armed guards on a playground are perfectly normal? You think that’s good for kids?