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As we approach May 11…

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by QGator2414, May 8, 2023.

  1. duggers_dad

    duggers_dad GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 5, 2022

    Attached Files:

  2. QGator2414

    QGator2414 VIP Member

    Aug 24, 2009
    Being at the beach is about as safe of a place to be. There is a reason the number one place Covid spreads is at your house. But ignore reality. These policies were not based in science. They were idiotic and pushed via fear and propaganda.
  3. Gatoragman

    Gatoragman GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 4, 2008
    Ok, I get your argument. Do you get mine though? If my expert, not me, but the expert I cite disagrees with your expert does that make mine a propagandist and yours correct? If I am arguing for what a credentialed expert I believe in, and discount another credentialed expert with opposite beliefs, does that make me a narcist?
    I know you are not calling me a narcist and I appreciate that I just wonder what the thought process is for someone arguing against something, citing experts, but not what may be believed by most others here.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. QGator2414

    QGator2414 VIP Member

    Aug 24, 2009
    That is a solid Bingo game right there!
  5. QGator2414

    QGator2414 VIP Member

    Aug 24, 2009
    This is so wrong. But you keep believing the false narrative that was pushed. You will get there. There are not many like you left.
  6. mikemcd810

    mikemcd810 Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    And where do you think people caught covid to spread in their house? Did it magically appear or did maybe someone in the household catch it while they were gassing up their boat or grabbing some snacks from a store for the beach?
  7. mikemcd810

    mikemcd810 Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    You legitimately sound like a cult leader. Just repeating the same mantra over and over.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. duggers_dad

    duggers_dad GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 5, 2022
  9. gatordavisl

    gatordavisl VIP Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    northern MN
    People had to make sacrifices for the good of the collective. This thread is a) an "I told ya so" that was oh so predictable long before we emerged from the most dangerous stages of the pandemic. Many of us knew such revisionism was forthcoming. b) Yet another pathetic cry for attention.
    To this point, I've posted a Randy Rainbow video and my response to you. Like others, I'm done here and refuse to grant any more attention to those who seek it.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. mdgator05

    mdgator05 Premium Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    No, I think belief in that has roots in narcissism, I agree. However, I don't see that extensively on here. In fact, speaking purely for myself, when I disagree with a research article (I tore up the Santa Clara seroprevalence study, for example), it comes from a place of attacking the methods/procedures not just attacking the results. However, there is a balancing act in relation to people like Bhattacharya, who engaged in academic fraud, a statement based upon my knowledge of research methods and the reasoning that somebody with his background doesn't accidentally make the extremely elementary mistakes that he made. I grant there is a degree of balancing on the margins.

    It is a very interesting question and one that I think is heavily debated in philosophy of science. I doubt that any of us completely lack some degree of narcissism. I actually think it would be unhealthy to completely be devoid. But, like almost all things, it is on a scale and way too much of it runs you into problems. In this case, it leads to a person declaring that all experts are idiots, everybody who listens to those experts have been had by propaganda, and that eventually everybody will agree with him, a person with absolutely no applicable background in either the substantive or methodological issues related to the study of this issue.
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  11. mdgator05

    mdgator05 Premium Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    Notice the lack of a substantive point on which I was actually wrong. That is because you actually don't have any background and you do exactly as I described, decide how good a scientific article is based upon its congruence with your beliefs (which are translated into being factually correct in your mind). It is why you need to believe other people are all just following propaganda and that they are a minority. Not liking the light it puts you in is not the same thing as being wrong.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. duggers_dad

    duggers_dad GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 5, 2022
  13. tilly

    tilly Superhero Mod. Fast witted. Bulletproof posts. Moderator VIP Member

    To be clear. I agree we make sacrifices as adults. I did so willingly, as did you. Sacrificing the well being of my children though is off the table if this ever happens again.
  14. duggers_dad

    duggers_dad GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 5, 2022
    In 2020ff we were all hounded and bullied into participating in the Common Bad.
  15. QGator2414

    QGator2414 VIP Member

    Aug 24, 2009

    You know the science. You know this is not dangerous to healthy people. Never was. People would take something about an asymptomatic contact to peddle the idea of asymptomatic spread back in the early days. All a Germany study cited in the New England Journal of Medicine. It was ridiculous. We had so many people flipping out over asymptomatic spread. Where did that go? It died eventually sometime in 2020 as it never was a major thing.

    You can try to revise history all you want. But it is all there for us to see.
  16. mdgator05

    mdgator05 Premium Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    A statement that your narcissism takes as fact, despite the fact that healthy people died. There are reasonable points to be made on relative danger. However, claiming something that killed people is not at all dangerous is obviously false. But, again, the issue is the narcissism here. No amount of evidence of healthy people dying will penetrate.

    Yeah, here is an expert discussing asymptomatic spread in 2022. So your claim is factually false. Your false belief is born of a few things arising from the narcissism: 1. That you didn't hear about it, so it must not have happened; 2. That you want it to not be true. Therefore, it isn't, because the world is here to confirm your obviously extensive knowledge on this subject.

  17. QGator2414

    QGator2414 VIP Member

    Aug 24, 2009

    You understand that this disease is not dangerous to healthy people. Of course there are the rare stories. That can be said about anything. If you are going to stand on science/medicine/data…then these shots would have never been given approval to healthy people. That is just a fact on the true rigors/standards that we use to hold for new drugs.

    A nice 2021 article that is so broad it already defines what we knew. There is some presymptomatic spread. We are talking on a messages board. You very well know what I was getting at. Asymptomatic spread died in the news because it was never a substantive thing.
  18. duggers_dad

    duggers_dad GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 5, 2022
    Event a category of Healthy Sick and drive multitudes to their deaths through gaslighting, panic and despair.
  19. mdgator05

    mdgator05 Premium Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    Again, here is the narcissism. You admit that people have died from something you declare not dangerous. How many? What is the threshold level for considering something dangerous or not? Is there one? Is it a continuum? These are the questions you won't ask, as they in no way benefit you.

    Next, you declare that you know the FDA approval process so well that you can definitively state that the drug wouldn't have been approved under any other circumstances. And yet, you little about that process, nor the research typically required, nor the research done to reach overall approval. But the narcissism says you are a world expert on all of those topics, to the point that you know more than the actual experts (who are all idiots in your world) do.

    The article was from 2022. And yes, it states that asymptomatic (or presymptomatic) spread is a thing. And they are a media source. So your claims were false. But since you hadn't read that media article, "it disappeared" because things you didn't notice don't exist.
  20. duggers_dad

    duggers_dad GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 5, 2022