He's one of the "anti-woke" folks. Democrats are "crazy" because they believe Black people deserve a helping hand due to what our society has taken and continues to take from them. Democrats are "crazy" because they believe discriminating against the LGBTQ community is bad. Democrats are "crazy" because they believe we should teach an accurate history, including America's warts and wrongs. All of that is "woke."
It's really a shame that after being a loyal Democrat for so long, that she just recently decided to switch completely.
Ha! Of course. I don't even know how a person stumbles on to the content the OP does. Interesting media environment he lives in.
The Democrat Party should probably just go ahead and have a big yard sale, doubtful they survive this defection. And I can't blame her. I was sold on that 100% believable story right off the top in which literally all people she ever interacted with in 2020 and 2021 told her she was a bad person. I mean maybe someone can take that for one year. But two? In a ROW?
Her movie credits: Hard Pack, Coda, Red Hot Frog, The Mother Ducks, and The Tempest. Open up the floodgates, Stude.
I love seeing these rightie threads implode into so much fart dust. B for effort. D for selecting a subject no one has heard of or cares about. F for research. Thread rating: FAIL
What do you mean "fringe right?" From my experience, most times Democrats characterize a Republican as "fringe right" what they mean is the Republican prioritizes the culture wars and/or advances policy that aims to gain ground on the culture wars. And the vast majority of these culture war views were mainstream for both parties as little as 15 years ago. The modern leftist view of a moderate Republican is one who is silent on the culture wars and one who doesn't really do anything except fight to lower taxes and deregulate. And they'll give those guys crap too for not having any coherent vision. Now we have some Republicans actually doing something and they're called fringe right. Sounds like the choice for Republicans in the eyes of Democrats is being a Democrat with an (R) attached to their name (a RINO), being spineless, or being "fringe right."
Oh, yeah?!? Well, at least he could compete in a swimming competition without an unfair advantage. But you go ahead and give everybody with a Twitter account a trophy.
Anybody who thinks the election was stolen, which is over half the party, in my mind is so far from reality that they qualify as fringe. Then there are various levels of Fringe from election denialism, to Q anon, to Jewish space lasers.
When she said she'd been a liberal atheist, I assumed I was going to hear about her conversion to Christianity before I even noticed her cross and her anti-feminists posts and anger about purported White privilege. That's fine. Her religious and political conversions may have been genuine. But it's interesting how her frustration with Covid in California led to a dramatic reversal of her entire worldview. This reminded me of Brandon Straka's videos. He was also an actor turned Trump influencer who used the "Walk Away" theme. I remember seeing them all of the time. Here's what he's been up to: Pro-Trump influencer sentenced to three years of probation for his participation in the Capitol riot | CNN Politics
I believe most Democrats have no problem with pro-business, small government republicans and other extinct political parties. It’s today’s MAGA republicans who are polar opposite, big government and anti-business that’s a festering boil on the butt of this country.
It is Democratic Party. Those who use “Democrat party” are typically partisan hacks. Just FYI. While I don’t directly consider myself a Democrat, I almost always vote Democrat, which I consider by far the lesser of two evils.
When people are really all in on one side, it seems when the become disaffected they go all in the opposite direction. It’s more tribal than ideological.
I would say the belief the election was stolen is a belief unsupported by evidence, but is not fringe. If anyone who holds beliefs unsupported by evidence are fringe then pretty much everybody in DC is fringe. The latter two are fringe, but do not represent the majority of the Republican Party no matter how you look at it.
In other words, you have no problem with Republicans who don't do anything, you agree with me. As far as pro-business versus anti-business, let's poll small businesses and ask them which party is more pro-business.