A lot of people can make peace with that because they are food. Horse racing is kinda ... pointless and for rich people? Certainly isnt delicious or life sustaining. Maybe if we ate the horses that died, then we could feel better about it.
They eat horse in Iceland. But, then again, Iceland might be the worst food country in the world. Lots of reason to go there, but dried fish, whale, puffin, and horse meat is not it.
Reminds me of Groucho Marx when he was playing a horse doctor. He gave a pill to a sick human, telling him, "The last patient I gave this to won the Kentucky Derby."
I think it's because of balance, with the majority of humans being right-side dominant. Imagine trying to mount a horse from the right side. For me, that's more unsettling than the thought of going up from the left, where my dominant side is initiating the balance.
Maybe the safest way to mount is just to run and jump into the saddle from behind. I saw Roy Rogers do it a lot.
I light off this thread I think I’ll make a few horse bets at Mountaineer Park online. Only 7m to post in race 2!
I rated your post “funny” for the last sentence only. I didn’t want you to take it as a slight. It’s a serious thread and I like your perspective.
This doesn't say anything about their swimming ability or lack thereof but it does give a rundown on their pluses and minuses as pets. Interesting that this came up since I was just researching them to see if they were good at agility competitions. Greyhound Dog Breed Information and Pictures
Wrong they are not good swimmers due to a lack of body fat but we were at the Dog Track once and a race was canceled because one of the dogs jumped the rail, swam across the midfield pond and caught the rabbit on the far side of the track. Rather they had to stop the rabbit to keep from killing the dog.
Coming in late on this but the horses are a business, and if a horse is injured to the point they can never run again then they’re put down. I know some people can’t understand why the horse can’t just be put out to pasture or sold, but the horses are heavily insured, and it’s better business for the investors to collect the insurance money than lose the entire investment.
How does that make it any different from the beef and poultry we buy at the grocery store? There's a reason kids are hitting puberty so young now.
How is it different? Poultry and beef are subject to regulations, standards, robust testing and monitoring. Also, the types and concentrations of steroids may be different than livestock. There is no scientific consensus that early puberty can be solely attributed to consuming beef and poultry.
So reviewing if animals are abused is killing America?!? And it should be so because it has always been so?!?