About 10 years ago here in Too Hot we debated AGW for at least 6 months, and what it means for humanity. We never really settled it, however we did find out the ice core samples from the Antarctic up to 100,000 years ago showed that increases in CO2 (so called greenhouse gas) in the distant past did NOT correlate to higher temperatures. In fact we found that the temperatures and the levels of CO2 didn't cause higher temperatures in the climate. Fast forward to today in the northern hemisphere, in Greenland, scientists there are looking into our more recent past from up to 8,000 years ago. And this short video below explains what they have found about so called climate change.
We did? I must have missed that. Explainer: How the rise and fall of CO2 levels influenced the ice ages
He explains that the temperatures from 8,000 were actually warmer than they are today, by more than 2 degrees. But he says we started taking temperature reads during the most resent mini-ice-age, and that's why all the temperature reading from the late 1700's are all seem to be rising. In other words we picked an anomalous COLD period in time to start taking temperature readings and comparing them to today's reading.
We have data going back millions of years from the ice cores, there’s a clear correlation. There are dozens of datasets that show it.
You mean Climate Communists. All this AGW... Global Warming... Climate Change is a GLOBAL TAX levied mainly on Americans.
"The ratio of "light" oxygen-16 to "heavy" oxygen-18 in a sample, for instance, reveals the global temperature when the ice formed; it takes colder temperatures for water vapor containing the lighter oxygen isotope to turn into precipitation. Examining the gasses trapped in ice cores is how scientists first learned that the amount of carbon dioxide and the global temperature have been linked at least the last million years of Earth's history." https://www.climate.gov/news-featur...entists-study-ice-cores-reveal-earths-climate
We already debated this for what seemed like about 6 months straight here in Too Hot. That was only about 10 years ago. Did you already forget what we found out?
Post 1: “we never really settled it” Post 9: “did you already forget what we found out?” Apparently we found out it was never settled, based on your first post.
It appears you did. CO2 is both a lagging and leading indicator of temperature change in natural cycles. Obviously, temperature change in human releases of CO2 don't follow the same pattern, as we haven't upped our CO2 production because the temperature increased. NASA Scientific Visualization Studio - Ask A Climate Scientist - Lagging CO2
The nail in the coffin for the AGW-Global Warming crowd was the the 150,000 years back in time ice core sample from the Antarctic that proved that far higher CO2 levels way back then (before man's interactions in climate) did NOT CORRELATE to higher temperatures... For me... that settled it. Now we have new DATA to consider... Watch the video.
We've been discussing climate change ever since I came to Too Hot. (Which BTW, used to be called Too Cool, but global warming ...) Anyway, I remember when there was one writer with one of the British tabloids that kept writing stories saying that yet another study showed AGW to be a hoax. Someone would rush to post it here. And, inevitably, the scientists who did the study would have to say "No, that's not what we found .."
The minute you can find any YT video that matches your predetermined opinion created from right wing propaganda, it settles it for you.
That is false. 150,000 years ago, both CO2 and temperature were quite low, as this was right before the spike in each that occured about 20,000 years later. Temperature and CO2 concentration in the atmosphere over the past 400 000 years | GRID-Arendal
Lol... I'm not reliving that past. I posted a video for you to see and debate about. Did you see the video? It's enlightening and succinct.