We like watching nature shows and animal shows like Meerkat Manor. Sunday night, after being home after a 2 day trip to Denver, we watched a randomly recorded episode of Animal Planet's "Otter Dynasty. "Trucker had imagined it to be similar to the former series, but we found it to be something more. Like the Meerkats series' there were opposing families and personalities; 3 families opposing one another for dominance and territory. But the scripted narration carries deeper implications, a subtly threatening cautionary tale in the vein of Animal Farm treachery on an undetermined scale. From the scene of a dead decaying otter, to an otter gobling a large and live goldfish, and another of number of otters devouring a turtle, through the schemes of the female head of one family discovering her crow spies had changed sides in favor of her rival, and family betrayal - this series gives Orwell's "Animal Farm"- like vibes of something more, something sinister I don't think I will watch any more episodes as I find them disturbing and discomfitting. I prefer watching enjoyable programming that enlightens, educates, or edifies in addition to being entertaining.
Years ago I was bowhunting out at Bull Creek. I had been sitting in a tree stand all morning listening to something playing in the creek. Around noon I was frustrated and ready to move. I wanted to see what was making all the noise so I laid down my bow and snuck quietly up to the creek. I got down on my hands and knees and peeked over the edge of the creek bank. I found myself face to face with the scariest critter I had ever seen. That otter showed me her teeth and growled an evil hiss. Scared the pure shit out of me.
The show Nature on PBS is generally a safe watch. Stay away from all Lion and Hyena or Cheetah drama.
We just watched a bit of Otter Dynasty. Wife obsessed with the cuteness of otters. Not sure she is going to like this depiction. These are not the otters we are accustomed to.
Otters are sweet when you see them playing in the water having lived on a lake. You don’t want otters making a den under your back deck. Just saying.
Then you don't want to watch Chimp Empire on Netflix. I found it riveting even as it confirmed my long held beliefs: we are Homo sapiens, not "God's creatures"; and the only ultimate purpose of life is to survive and procreate, which explains most, if not all, conflicts and wars. It's a depressing conclusion and explains the ubiquity of religions.