It's okay. We'll hit the reset button in the next mass shooting thread. Tonight? Tomorrow? Wednesday?
The number one thing (to me) is men having purpose. The role of a man in western society is becoming less important. Absent a massive shift in desirability of men by woman, there will be an erosion of society that cannot recover. Yes, there are men who can adapt, but for those that cannot, here we are. Opinion | Men Need Purpose More Than ‘Respect’
unlikely it takes that long 202 this year. Two since Friday. The only dickering is over the body count. I now only give T&P’s if it’s over 10 or if there there’s more than 1 kid.
Apologies I meant the last stimulus, ie build back better plan boosted inflation. I’ve posted articles here before. Most economists agree that bill bumped it by 3%. The inflation reduction act did nothing to lower inflation. That’s all been Fed intervention, the piper is being paid now and in the future.
I don’t believe that for a second; undoubtedly the media revels in a good scandal or other drama but not the blood of innocent adults and children. You just don’t like that the media shines a spotlight on the collateral damage to your sacred and uninfringeable right to own a firearm.
Paywalled for me, so I don’t know the specifics of the article. Generally, I do think this is an important issue and problem. It’s not that men aren’t still important. We are. I see a relative loss of male privilege and power relative to women - and resulting anger. Mostly gone are the days where men were often guaranteed a life partner because they could hold down a decent job and perform manual tasks.
Use a reader if paywalls… sometimes works Men have limited value once tech and procreation cross the rubicon
So I’m clear, are you noting that’s a common perception or arguing that’s the reality? I think many men may feel they have little social value, but that doesn’t make it true. Men continue to have vital roles in all aspects of society. I think many men are without direction and feeling sorry for themselves and looking for someone to blame.
Perception is reality. Some men are raised to be dynamic and find their place. Some men are fixated on traditional places and don’t have a way to express societal value when marginalized. It’s not self pity as much as affirmation of value. A man requires purpose, love, and a “to list” from a nagging wife who keeps blabbing about how great is Billy Joe. “Oh… did you see how trim Billy Joe is? He built Bobbie Sue a spice rack.
They don't like it when the media reports on topics that make them squirm around uncomfortably, like mass shootings, police brutality, incidents of racism etc. If it was up to them, they would ban certain news stories from being reported on, sort of like how they're trying to ban certain aspects of American history from being taught.
I doubt it makes much difference. I doubt there are that many people who are willing to take the 2 years who won't take the 5 years.
Build back better did not pass. But it probably would have put more inflationary pressure on top of what we have. The Covid stimulus certainly played a part in inflation.