I actually wonder if it is a weird side effect of 2nd-4th generation immigrants from groups that have experienced racism trying to gain acceptance into American society. I think the closest parallel would be the Italians, who were viewed by many racists as belonging to an inferior race. People now view Italians as fully "white" in the US, but there was a time where that was not the case. Opinion | How Italians Became ‘White’ (Published 2019) Basically, the easiest way to fully integrate into the social/economic benefits of whiteness in the US is to be racist against those not given the option of doing so.
Maybe but my experience was with kids my age that were born in Cuba. I think that some of it may also be the result of classism.
In Tampa social clubs, there was the Centro Asturiano and the Centro Espanol. https://www.centroasturianotampa.org/ Centro Español de Tampa | Tampa's oldest ethnic social club You could not join the Centro Asturiano unless you were of Asturian heritage. That made you "better" because Asturias was never conquered by the Moors. Hence, you were untainted by African Blood. The Reconquista also started in Asturias with King Pelayo and Our Lady of Covadonga. A lot of Cubans in both South Florida and the Tampa area try to make clear that their ancestors came directly from Spain, usually embellishing, to try to negate the possibility that you would think they intermixed. There were differentiated Cuban social clubs also, depending on how dark you were. Local historian Jack Fernandez wrote a series of books about the Asturian migration to Tampa through Cuba, which covered how much everyone tried to negate how long their ancestors had been in Cuba and try to fix records if they married a local to show that that Cuban local also came from Spain, whether they did or not. My people are extremely prejudiced. It's very screwed up
Much like straw man you don’t appear to know the meaning of the word triggered. You should learn the meaning of the words you use in your posts. It will help make them appear (slightly) less dumb.
When your only response is ad hominem, I just tune you out. If you had something to bring to the discussion, you wouldn’t need to resort to such rhetoric.
Whole board has lit me up? I take that as a compliment, but I haven’t noticed. You’re trying really hard to make it personal, but yes I do have a habit of shutting down these mass shooting threads when I point out reality. The reality is you’re not going to take our guns away over a few dozen random shootings. Gun murder is mostly down over the past 40 years, while gun sales and assault rifle sales have soared. The media love to get you riled up over a few random shootings, but people are murdered daily. We don’t take away rights from law abiding citizens because of a few bad actors.
This is one of the biggest problems with the GOP today. Upsetting the other side gives them a sense of satisfaction... almost enjoyment. We all know the phrase "Own the libs". It just goes too far when lives are at stake. There has to be a point where we grow up and stop playing games.
If stating fact upsets you, then yes, I rather do enjoy destroying posters with facts. That is all I have done in this thread and yes, I know it upsets you, but that is not why I post. But if it happens to unsettle some triggered progressives along the way, all the better. Maybe grow up and learn to keep your emotions in check?
It's sad really. He dishes out the insults and then ignores legitimate refutations. Insults by the way being any argument that holds him accountable to his own position, namely, acceptable deaths and false equivalents. This is a meaningless message board but it is meaningful as it illustrates the issue with why real discussions in forums where laws can change simply don't get off the ground.
If you call him a fan boi he’ll never respond to you. His grasp on the English language is tenuous and he’ll think you’re saying he’s gay. If you suggest he’s an ammosexual fan boi I think he’d really lose it but I’m not going there.