Well, that was if we banned ALL new gun sales, which is going nowhere, so it's pointless to even go down that rabbit hole.
Is it really. I just googled it and here is the first result that comes up. I didn't bother to research further maybe this is wrong.
Then please explain the statement below. If you can. On which topic have I buried my head? You sound a bit defensive.
Sigh. The next time someone says video games are causing America’s gun problem, show them this chart https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...-no-link-between-video-games-and-gun-murders/ Countries with lower homicide rates than United States also love violent video games Video Games Aren’t Why Shootings Happen. Politicians Still Blame Them. (Published 2019)
Who is proposing banning ALL new gun sales? Someone in this thread I missed? Anything we were to do will take a substantial amount of time to yield an appreciable result.
The violence. You know, the violence that spiraled out of control when we banned booze in the 1920s. A big reason we brought booze back. Would be much worse if we prohibited guns sales. You'd also be empowering criminals, who'd buy their weapons on the street, while hurting law abiding folk, who can no longer arm themselves in self-defense, unless they already had a gun they purchased before the ban.
Sorry but I am not searching for anything more than what Citygator posted and here is another example of the results I get. Top Countries For Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - Esports Player Rankings :: Esports Earnings I'm simply googling top countries for call of duty. I'm not searching a bunch of links you post from behind a paywall. I'm simply going by the results I get with a simple google search.
Guns are not a consumable. There are ways that you can actually limit the supply of illegal guns. We choose not to do so because doing so is inconvenient to gun owners and cuts off a revenue stream for gun manufacturers.
My god. 2023 is different than 1919. Alcohol and guns differ by use, frequency of use and consumer base. One is a vice and the other is a tool To assert the same societal effect to prohibition stretches your credibility to its snapping point. I can think of no evidence that would support such an assertion. I can point to evidence of countries with stricter gun control laws, such as Japan and the United Kingdom, having significantly less gun violence than we do. Even with their black markets. Are you just trolling with these wild ass assertions? If so, please stop.
Yes, I'm just trolling with the fact that your ideas will never be realized in the United States, as a ban on gun sales would have zero legs in Congress, on either side of the aisle. You'd first have to convince rank and file Democrats that overturning the 2nd Amendment was a good idea, before you could convince Republicans. Even Joe Biden has promised he is not looking to take guns away from the citizenry. It'll never happen in this country. If you don't like it, go live in Japan or the UK.
This is unhinged. What "ideas" of mine are you even talking about? This is some bad actor bullshit. Stop trolling.
The 2nd Amendment is ambiguous enough that, depending on the politics of the courts, laws could provide for zero restrictions on gun ownership, or they could outlaw guns completely except for use in state militias. Common sense, which is certainly lacking in government, would get rid of assault weapons and guns on the streets.
He admitted that he’s “trolling.” They are very unserious about this whole thing, attempting to have any sort of discussion is a waste of time. Onto the next thoughts and prayers event.
Boomers who wouldn’t be able to point out the difference between an Atari and a PlayStation 5 are in here trying to blame video games for killing people, such an unserious group of people LOL
As both sides throw accusations and insults back and forth, I think it's important to remember: The people who don't want more restrictive gun laws aren't doing it because they want to see more innocent people die The people who want more restrictive gun laws aren't doing it because they want more government control over people Both sides, it seems to me, think their way is the best combination of safety and rights.
Congratulations all of you hiding behind the Second Amendment as reason to do nothing. This is on you.