I believe in home defense weapons and think CCP licensure is acceptable for people with clean backgrounds. I’m against open carry, zero permit handguns, and assault rifles on our streets. Does this make me a “gun grabber”? Because I think it just makes me sane.
Another emotionally charged comment that adds nothing to the conversation. It's a hasty generalization to assume that all "gun grabbers" (ad hominem!) are not concerned with the social issues that may be driving this violence. Mass shooter suicides is not a new phenomenon. It's been documented for decades.
It's sweeping generalization to assume that all "lefties" (ad hominem!) don't care abut the constitution. It is also a hasty generalization to claim that if one has a different interpretation on the 2nd Amendment than you it is a reflection of their entire perspective of the Constitution. Can you provide any evidence (studies, polls) that "Constitution means zip to the lefties"? Or more to the "righties"?
The “It’s anything but gun access” crew is out in force. We got video games, society breakdown, slippery slope arguments, but Chicago, and a whole host of the same excuses for zero movement on gun safety. However, these posters are more sane and flexible than bought and paid for legislators who will do zippo.
NYC implemented some of the harsher gun control laws and have seen a drop in gun violence. While the correlation/causality dilemma is in play, here are some compelling data points: In 1990, 1,995 homicides involving firearms. In 2019, 55 homicides involving firearms. The suicide rate by firearm has gone down 76% during the same period.
Intellectually lazy to argue in such generalities. "Gun grabbers and trampling the constitution." People who make those claims especially with the stamp of a stupid laughing emoji generally aren't interested in honest dialog.
So if we’re following this butterfly effect to say gaming could be a a factor in mass shootings then where are the shootings in all the other first world countries since they all have extensive gaming too?
I’m sure this has already been asked but in Texas where you can open carry the question needs to be asked again and again. During a mass shooting where are all the good guys with guns?
they’re all talk no action. They open carry because their bravado masks the fact that they’re perpetually terrified. They imagine they’ll step up when push comes to shove but they’re just like anyone else run or hide is the best option in a mass shooting
I sort of figured that as well. Talk big but when the shooting starts they take off running away as fast as their chubby little pre-diabetic legs will let them.
How do you have an honest dialog with folks that firmly believe certain guns should be outlawed? Same crap in every thread...we get it, you guys don't like guns but don't act like there's any honest discussion going on in these threads.
Well, we're already outlawing certain guns. You can't go buy an RPG, a machine gun, or a sawed off shotgun. So yes, certain guns are already outlawed. So you're the one not having an honest discussion.
Is that rhetorical or do you really not know how to have an honest dialog with a person with a differing viewpoint? The latter may explain much. More sweeping generalization. Just because someone argues for gun control doesn't mean they "don't like guns". There are many reasons to argue for gun violence measures aside for personal like/dislike of guns. I have guns. I enjoy going to the range. I also think we need to address our surge in violence. It is also invalid to assert that pro gun control people on these threads are being dishonest. I can give you sufficient examples of productive discourse to refute this other sweeping generalization.
Guns will never be outlawed you have to figure out another direction certain guns may be outlawed but there will always be guns of some type available.. So what then? Mental health? in the 50's there were something like 500K people in mental institutions now there are only like 35K. do we go back to those days do we start putting people back into padded rooms or straight jackets?