Do they keep road rage shooting stats somewhere? I’d be willing to bet anything the red state of Texas is #1
if wanting to stop the senseless gun violence that ONLY HAPPENS HERE makes me a “gun grabber,” then so be it.
They're scared and willfully ignorant. When you skew arguments about reforming laws that can save lives of innocent people into oversimplified and inaccurate stances and call people gun grabbers then yeah that makes you a gun nut. Call a gun grabber a gun grabber but that isn't what an overwhelming majority of this forum is advocatin for.
Disagree, every thread is always the same, 'it's the guns you idiots!!'. LOL, 'Nobody wants to take your guns, we just want to take your guns'.
They only care about the constitutional rights of embryos. Once you’re old enough to walk around in this gun-violent society, you’re on your own, buddy.
Good god the posters on this board have become so (frickin) binary that it’s virtually impossible to have a conversation about anything with more than one obvious layer before someone retreats to their partisan comfy place. Did I say video games led to, or use them as an excuse for violence? No. Never, not once. If life were only so simple we could solve all problems on a message board. I said they could lead (among other things) to isolation and poor socialization, which can cause mental health challenges among youth (since that’s who plays them, mostly males) including anxiety and depression. And those things most definitely can lead to other bad things. Exploring the Relationship Between Social Gaming, Anxiety and Loneliness
You do know that Call of Duty is just as popular in other nations where they lack mass shootings cuz…they don’t have 400M real guns? Good summary of both sides. Do Violent Video Games Lead to Violence?
Forgive me if already mentioned: "President Biden on Saturday signed into law the first major gun safety legislation passed by Congress in nearly 30 years. The signing comes just over a month after the mass shooting at a Texas elementary school killed 19 children and two adults. That attack came 10 days after a racist mass shooting at a Buffalo, N.Y., supermarket killed 10 Black people." "US President Joe Biden has issued an executive order that aims to increase the number of background checks conducted before firearm sales. It aims to move the US "as close to universal background checks as possible without additional legislation". " Biden issues executive order aimed at reducing gun violence: "It's common sense" You can make the case these steps are not enough, but it does show effort.
That was the point of the original post. The point some one made was the Dems had control of both side of congress and didn’t pass anything. If one guy was the lynch pin why couldn’t they put together a package that could get some votes. They did it with the “inflation deduction act” that just made inflation worse.
The penalties now aren’t doing a thing. Need to be more severe. It isn’t that hard to figure out now if that gun is legally owned. Many are stolen and the cops know that right off the bat. I think it would viewed as an attack on brown and poor people. Just a way to lock them up.
Not to pick nits but I said legislation, not an EO. Dems should have done with guns what McConnell sometimes did with legislation he knew would never pass (like the Green New Deal)-bring it to a vote and make the opposing party take a position on it. Then use that vote to campaign against them. That’s politics. Not just being feckless and only bringing something to the floor that you know will pass. Sometimes in life you have to fail a few times before finally getting something done. Obama never passes the ACA if Clinton (and really Ted Kennedy)didn’t stub his toe on it. Dems worked for almost 20 years, and it’s still good law, whether certain pols like it or not.
Sigh... strawman. Nobody you quoted said they want to take your guns. Also a false dilemma. There are compromises available that involve taking some types of guns and from dangerous people. Must you always deceive?
The first link was legislation. Here's the bill signed into law:
I could buy that glorified violence and desensitization (or even gamification) of death is a contributing factor. Actually I’m certain it is. We’ve seen evidence of online forums where these psychopaths keep score, applaud these events, or even livestream mass shootings from the 1st person perspective. But in almost every other culture, it is nigh impossible for these sick creatures to act out their deranged impulses. Only the very rare case slips through. In America, a lunatic can decide on Wednesday and have the tools they need by Friday with literally nothing getting in their way barring a prior felony conviction or court order.
Fallacy of oversimplification. You are completely absolving guns from any responsibility in our gun violence challenges without an argument or evidence. There are many factors driving our gun violence including firearm lethality and availability, mental health issues, individual responsibility and more.