50 people for the photo op briefing and no info. Elected folks needing camera time. Freaking clueless, smdh.
This news conference is pathetic. Virtually no info. No questions answered. But we did hear how the faith community will “love on” the victims families and that a memorial tomorrow will bring “much needed healing. Disgusting performance.
At least 8 people dead so far. 7 more injured. Lefties blame the gun. Righties blame mental illness. Neither party has a solution for either and as a result we get to see a series of endless, vapid tweets by empty suits we elect and a bloody pile of innocent bodies lying dead on top of each other. It’s abhorrent.
The "much needed healing" will not be had tomorrow by the families who lost loved ones. If you decode this statement it says "We aren't going to do anything different. Get used to it. This is now life in America". When absolutely nothing happened after the slaughter of twenty 6-year old children and 6 adults in Sandy Hook, it became sadly obvious nothing was ever going to happen.
I’ve got several solutions. Ban A/R 15 rifles, do away with high capacity magazines, stop the sale of tactical gear, require gun insurance and licensing and most importantly limit ammo sales to 25 rounds a year.
I think family is very important. But from what I’ve read (could be wrong), divorce rates in the U.S. seem on par with Denmark and Sweden and are actually lower than China and Russia.
You mean police states like China and Russia? Something is causing the active shootings to spike. I think a lot of it is copycatting. But it does boil down to what values do you have that lead you to think it's fine to walk into a school or a mall and do that, while knowing your chances of survival are very low?
I just posted the low crime rate period we’ve been enjoying. Why is it predominantly mass shootings that are up? If society was decaying wouldn’t it broadly impact crime?
Bullshit. US divorce rate has fallen dramatically the past 20 years, in direct conflict with the rate of increase in mass shootings: The United States divorce rate is dropping, thanks to millennials
“The left” have a range of solutions. Most of the legit stuff put on the table by the left has far more than 50% popular support. What is the most “extreme” left wing proposal for gun control? Bringing back the 1994-2004 assault weapons ban? Is that extreme? What possible reason does someone living in an urban or suburban environment have to own an AR-15? Makes zero sense, and the proliferation of this style weapon can ONLY lead to piles of dead bodies in schools, malls, grocery stores, walmarts, etc. Meanwhile, states like TX have pretty much eliminated licenses and are going open carry. So a crazy 18 year old wants to go out in a blaze of glory? No problem! Boy have we got the gun for you! There is almost no barrier to this happening.
Dems had control of the White House, House and senate from 1/1/21 until 12/31/22. What legislation was even proposed on guns, ?