Yeah, why didn't all those Democratic Governors or Legislatures in the past 20 years in Florida do something?
What did Graham and Chiles do for them? Do yourself a favor and don’t spend too much time looking it up.
LOL. You keep projecting your own selfishness on me. Unlike you, I'm not driven by money. I took a job making far, far less money than I would in private practice to represent people for free who have had their rights violated by the government. I did it because it's the right thing to do and I believe in both holding the government accountable and safeguarding people's rights. I chose not to pursue a path of enriching myself at the expense of society. But it all makes sense as to why you say the things you do. Money is your motivator in life.
What a ridiculous analogy and besides, new teachers are still leaving before five years in the profession. The bigger picture problem is the glaring teacher shortage and that certainly can’t be laid at the feet of DeSantis alone. Republicans have been in charge for over twenty years so they own the mess they’ve made. Remember the promise to cut down on testing? It’s actually been tripled. May is testing central, nothing really gets done because it’s all testing, all the time. Unfortunately, I don’t see anything getting better. Glad I’m out in three weeks.
Moving the goal posts to 40 years now? Regardless, in constant dollars, during the 20 years in which those two were primarily the Governors, Florida elementary teacher pay rose by 19%. During the following 17 years under Republican governors entirely, it fell by 6.1%. Estimated average annual salary of teachers in public elementary and secondary schools, by state: Selected years, 1969-70 through 2016-17
I’m feeling my oats today. The last 2 decades of dealing with “traditional whites” has informed my view of them. They’ve only got worse. I’m ashamed to say when I was going to UF I was uncomfortable with gay people. This was during the time of AIDS. I had never (knowingly) been among them but one was my room mate and he became a life long friend. I learned to appreciate other cultures (had a roommate from Bahrain as well). I educated myself not just from books. That led me to a passion for travel. I’ve sailed all my life and I can tell you that in the middle of the night in the middle of the Atlantic all kinds of things run through your head. So yeah I’ve got an open mind just not about bigotry and those who would subjugate people in order to bend them to their norm.
The criteria for that ranking is critical. It doesn't focus on the quality of education as much as other criteria.
Rick Scott tried but legislature cut how much he proposed. Quit believing the advertisement Lawmakers And Gov. Scott Compromise On Teacher Raises Lawmakers and Gov. Rick Scott reached a compromise on $480 million in raises for teachers and other school workers.
Nice ad hominem attack. I guess like most cons, if the facts don't work, attack the person. I'd say 48 th gives a lot of room to get more done... oh wait this is DeS second term and not much... except he attacks books, the teacher union ( singled out, not other unions), inserts political hacks into admins. threatens felony charges vs teachers, weaponizes school boards. Des is doing things.... all wrong.
The fact that Massachusetts, where Harvard and MIT are located, is ranked #32 in higher education speaks volumes about the rankings. (And those are hardly the only universities of note in Massachusetts.)
Since democrats did nothing before republicans control what gives you confidence that they would do anything if given the opportunity?
I’m not saying he’s done enough, but you can’t clear your hatred enough to admit that he is the ONLY one to do ANYTHING and that dates back way more than 25 years.
This is just not true. It’s been pointed out to you multiple times i this thread with data. Apropos to nothing being dropped on your head as a child is bad.
Which is ridiculous because both would never turn a student they wanted down due to money. Both will only charge what FAFSA says a family can pay at a maximum (assuming they don't want to make the student pay even less). Essentially, if your rankings are on very wealthy people having to pay a lot, that doesn't speak too highly of the validity of the rankings.