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How America’s Obsession with DEI Is Sabotaging Our Medical Schools

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by studegator, May 3, 2023.

  1. gator_lawyer

    gator_lawyer VIP Member

    Oct 30, 2017
    What is your evidence that these modest differences in test scores lead to better doctors and health outcomes?
  2. latergator83

    latergator83 Freshman

    May 4, 2023
    They do. But poor Asians will still, often, beat out poor Americans from other ethnic groups. That is part of why economic Affirmative Action isn't already a thing. It doesn't achieve the desired results. I believe this was actually tried in California. I can try to dig up a study if necessary.

    I don't know why certain ethnic groups outperform other ethnic groups. It's a horrifically complex question for which frank opinions from people with relevant knowledge is next to impossible. I do think it's naive, and pretty clearly wrong, to presume genes play no role at all. But that doesn't mean what it might appear that it
    means. Over the next century, we might get bombarded with geniuses from Africa. Anyway, the point isn't to try to armchair guess which groups are the smartest, but to recognize that, at least at certain point, test results and academic performance are largely, though not entirely, the result of ability. There may be a case for changing the filters we use for people to enter certain professions, but not to pretend it's all environment. It isn't.
  3. VAg8r1

    VAg8r1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Funny story that kind of proves the post. This guy, a person of South Asian (Indian decent) got into med school by pretending to Black. The chances are that he indicated his actual ethnic/racial identity he would not have been admitted with his academic credentials.
    Mindy Kaling's brother: I faked being black to get into medical school | CNN
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  4. latergator83

    latergator83 Freshman

    May 4, 2023
    This has been going on for decades wrt to white people claiming to be hispanic or native american. Why shouldn't an Indian claim to be black? The universities don't actually care. They care about their statistics. He looks sort of black. Who is to say he doesn't have a black ancestor. I wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't fairly common, but among people whose lips will forever remain sealed.
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  5. gator_lawyer

    gator_lawyer VIP Member

    Oct 30, 2017
    This sounds a lot like eugenics.
  6. latergator83

    latergator83 Freshman

    May 4, 2023
    It sounds nothing like eugenics. Literally nothing.
  7. gator_lawyer

    gator_lawyer VIP Member

    Oct 30, 2017
    You're not speaking to individual differences. You're claiming that some ethnic groups are smarter than others due to their "genes." You think that sounds nothing like eugenics?
  8. l_boy

    l_boy 5500

    Jan 6, 2009
    Kind of on topic.

    Opinion | A Paper That Says Science Should Be Impartial Was Rejected by Major Journals. You Can’t Make This Up.

    A Paper That Says Science Should Be Impartial Was Rejected by Major Journals. You Can’t Make This Up.

    Is a gay Republican Latino more capable of conducting a physics experiment than a white progressive heterosexual woman? Would they come to different conclusions based on the same data because of their different backgrounds? For most people, the suggestion isn’t just ludicrous; it’s offensive.

    Yet this belief — that science is somehow subjective and should be practiced and judged accordingly — has recently taken hold in academic, governmental and medical settings. A paper published last week, “In Defense of Merit in Science,” documents the disquieting ways in which research is increasingly informed by a politicized agenda, one that often characterizes science as fundamentally racist and in need of “decolonizing.” The authors argue that science should instead be independent, evidence-based and focused on advancing knowledge.

    This sounds entirely reasonable. Yet the paper was rejected by several prominent mainstream journals, including The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Another publication that passed on the paper, the authors report, described some of its conclusions as “downright hurtful.” The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences took issue with the word “merit” in the title, writing that “the problem is that this concept of merit, as the authors surely know, has been widely and legitimately attacked as hollow as currently implemented.”

    Instead, the paper has been published in a new journal called — you can’t make this up — The Journal of Controversial Ideas. The journal, which welcomes papers that “discuss well-known controversial topics from diverse cultural, philosophical, moral, political and religious perspectives,” was co-founded in 2021 by the philosopher Peter Singer and is entirely serious. This particular paper was rewritten multiple times and peer-reviewed before publication. However controversial one judges the paper’s claims, they deserve consideration.
  9. dabigunit

    dabigunit GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 29, 2007
    Actually east asians and south Asians needs to get a good amount better score to get into medical school and college than the other races, especially blacks.

    What is your evidence that Jim crow style systematic government racism against asians and whites is good for the country and moral?

    I can't wait to see the tears of the racists when scotus ends affirmative action next month. Justice will prevail against the racists.
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  10. dabigunit

    dabigunit GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 29, 2007
    Unfortunately that is what is needed to fight against the liberals and their beloved racist affirmative action.
  11. gator_lawyer

    gator_lawyer VIP Member

    Oct 30, 2017
    I can't wait to see the tears of racists like yourself when universities ignore Republican SCOTUS and do it anyways. It takes a stunning amount of idiocy to compare this to Jim Crow.

    Go ahead and provide me some evidence that it is better to exclude the Black people you want to exclude from medical school because they become worse doctors. Prove it is societally beneficial to give those spots to other people. I've already offered data showing the opposite, that our lack of diversity in the medical field is harming our society.
  12. latergator83

    latergator83 Freshman

    May 4, 2023
    I really wish you would stop misrepresenting my statements to make them seem more provocative than they actually are. I don't know if it's intentional.

    I said it's naive to say genes play no role at all, not that group differences are "due to" genes, as if genes are the primary cause. Eugenics is intentionally matching people to increase the frequency of desirable traits within a population, not acknowleding that genes play a vaguely defined role in group differences.
  13. tampagtr

    tampagtr VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Some are so predictable. So banal. So superficial. Thread.

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  14. gator_lawyer

    gator_lawyer VIP Member

    Oct 30, 2017
    Eugenics is a lot more than that. It's premised on the idea that certain ethnic groups are genetically superior in terms of desirable traits, like intelligence, for example. So you'll have to excuse me if I push back on what seemed to be the suggestion that one ethnic group is more intelligent than another due to their genetics.
  15. slayerxing

    slayerxing GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 14, 2007
    I’ve never understood the crying on this issue in medicine specifically. You’re talking about a small number difference per year. Current admits are like 54% white 22% Asian. So by trying to increase enrollment in other groups, figuring 23,000 admits per year you’re taking about a few hundred people per year this could impact. It’s not like the people they are admitting for dei reasons are so much weaker than the competition that they don’t deserve to be there. But consider that it’s easier to be competitive for med school when you come from a place where you have financial support so you can volunteer and focus on school and stuff. So you have to account for that in admissions somehow and people of color are disproportionately disadvantaged in that regard.
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  16. dabigunit

    dabigunit GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 29, 2007
    Universities will not be able to ignore scotus because they will be sued to bankruptcy if they do. They will all lose their jobs also. You know this. Your precious Democrat Jim crow style racism will end next month. As a result the number of Asians and whites will increase greatly.

    If blacks want to get in then get higher scores. That's on them. Equal opportunity doesn't mean equal outcome. Allowing them in with lower scores while racially discriminating against others is what's harming society. Everything should be merit based. Gender and race is irrelevant

    I'm the racist for wanting the government to stop racial discrimination against South Asians, east asians, and whites? Lol wow. Please stop watching CNN. You aren't living in reality. You are the racist for wanting my people to be racially discriminated against. I suggest you stop supporting racist policies like Affirmative action that belong in nazi Germany.

    It all ends next month. How amazing. There's nothing the liberals can do to stop it.
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  17. docspor

    docspor GC Hall of Fame

    Nov 30, 2010
    Being rejected by an academic journal is not very informative. At most good journals rejection rates are 90+%. It sounds like a pretty lame paper for an academic journal. A paper being well done, well written & with supported args describes about 10 outta 10 papers. Really good papers in econ including some that got their authors nobel prizes were rejected. It's a tough game.


    econ journal acceptance rates

    Currently, QJE is the most selective of the top-five journals, with an acceptance rate of around 3%, followed by JPE and RES, with acceptance rates of around 5%. The least selective of the top-five are AER and Econometrica, with acceptance rates of around 8%. My last pub was at a place with a 10.1% rate.
    Last edited: May 7, 2023
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  18. gator_lawyer

    gator_lawyer VIP Member

    Oct 30, 2017
    Ha! They'll keep right on using preferences. They'll simply use other things as a proxy. Make the Republican politicians in robes play whack-a-mole. And I'm laughing at the foolishness of claiming that allowing more Black people into universities is "Jim crow style racism." Oh yes, Jim Crow was famous for its valuing of diversity and its goal of helping Black people. I don't know where you learned your history, but you should get your money back.

    I am amused at how "merit" apparently comes down to arbitrary tests. Nah. What's harming society is people like yourself living in a bubble. It's too bad you didn't take advantage of the opportunity to broaden your horizons.

    Ah yes, the Nazis were famous for their love of diversity. You're really doing a fabulous job of exposing your own ignorance. Bravo.

    So much outrage over Black people being able to attend universities and medical school. Republican SCOTUS can issue its political screeds. The universities will continue seeking diverse classes, and you'll continue throwing your tantrums over it.
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  19. l_boy

    l_boy 5500

    Jan 6, 2009
    There’s different ways to skin the proverbial cat. They could drop admission tests, and come up with other criteria that don’t explicitly target race but may result in more racial diversity. There is nothing illegal about using socioeconomic status in admissions, or any other factor for that matter.
  20. dabigunit

    dabigunit GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 29, 2007

    No. The commie "educators" will not be able to continue their racist ways. This is why they are scared of the SCOTUS case. Also there will be class action lawsuits against the racist universities for their anti-Asian hate policies. You are using typical dishonest liberal tactics. No one cares about allowing African American students into universities. The problem is that they are being allowed in with lower scores because of the color of their skin and Asians/whites are being discriminated against to allow that to happen.

    Yes. Merit is based on GPA and test scores, which is a measure of intelligence and preparedness. Facts don't care about your feelings.

    The ironic thing is that some other black groups in the US like Nigerian Americans completely dwarf African Americans in all categories like graduation rate, degree rate, advanced degree rate, average family income, percentage of 2 parent households, crime rate etc. The average Nigerian American family income is double that of African American average income and almost as high as the average White American family income. The solution is for African Americans to fix their cultural issues, not to racially discriminate against Whites and Asians. Many of the students that get into universities based on their skin color and merit actually struggle FYI, especially at top universities.

    Denying Asians and whites into universities because of their skin color is literally racism. Those are racist policies like the Jim Crow laws. That is a fact. You mean the modern leftist "education" system that teaches that men can become pregnant, a man in a dress with a penis and testicles is a woman, socialism is great, America is horrible, everything is racist and sexist, and that feelings can change gender along with other laugable liberal mantras taught by our far left "education" indoctrination system. LOL The party of "scienceeeeeeeeee" they say.

    The nazis were famous for their love of racial discriminatory policies just like the liberals.

    I am a former liberal, minority, and millennial. In 2015 I supported Bernie Sanders, but like many people I woke up from the leftists lies I learned in university and now I am a proud conservative. There is a reason why it is very common for liberals to become conservative (most conservatives were liberals at one point thanks to the indoctrination system), but it is very rare to see a conservative become liberal. Once you see the truth you don't go back.

    I am glad that DeSantis is finally fighting back against the Commies that destroyed our education system and children for decades. Other states are following now also.

    Btw, Affirmative Action has been going on for decades and it hasn't changed a thing for them. It doesn't work.
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