Good. We just keep winning. Get them out of florida. They can move to their liberal utopia of San Francisco . I hear things are going well there and the homeless cardboard box home real estate market is on fire there.
They have to start the brainwashing young for it to be effective. How else can children be brainwashed to think men can become pregnant and that you can magically change your gender by feeling a certain way. The party of science they say lol
Please note that no claim has been made that these teachers have broken any rules. Have you any link to show otherwise? Note that the changing culture war laws based on imaginary data have placed them in their quandary. No note of any issues in years of teaching. Your postulated examples do not mitigate this issue. Would you suggest a coach hit/contact his/her player? Are false allegations any part of this? If you fear your subordinate, perhaps you should get rid of the employee, as you brought up job termination as an outcome for these teachers.
I didn’t claim they had. But if they weren’t breaking rules then why in the world would they be fearful of anything. Back to the basics: They are playing the Victim Card and you are playing the Drama Card
You really think that's true? That only people guilty of wrongdoing have anything to worry about in this world?
Does it make you feel better to dismiss actual issues as "playing cards" rather than admit their are real issues? In your world I'd wager there's many race cards, and homeless cards, and abortion cards, and jobless cards to dismiss as well. Put the issues onto cards so you need not seek answers.
If they were real, I would admit they are real. I can’t even say that’s a big If. They aren’t real. I don’t see the homeless playing cards, I suppose they have more pride than the A-Holes you are defending. Unfortunately, aborted fetuses don’t have any cards to play.
I don’t know of any large group of normal people who obey the rules that are “fearful” of going to work everyday. So don’t tell me these people have anything to be fearful of.
But you know that to libbies, their protected classes, classes and their teacher’s unions that as long as their feelings are good, and they are getting all of the attention that they crave, they could not care less about the students.
What excess cleavage? I’ve go to the beach a lot and frequent the gym and the very occasional strip club and I’ve never seen it. Damn.
Ah the old work will set you free adage ? The resident of Auschwitz probably disagreed. Folks at at twatter too