Fauci, Weingarten try to rewrite history on disastrous COVID-19 lockdowns: 'Show me a school that I shut down' 2 people who should never have been allowed to implement or influence covid policies.
This couldn't have gone in the master covid thread for you, Q and rick to commiserate about it and the rest of us to ignore?
exactly, fauci and weingarten were a 2 car national covid policy disaster, now they are trying to cover the tracks, good luck.
I'm convinced that we have useless bots posting as Dems here in this forum. Fauci is a dog killing, human killing, diabolical murderer. Now research AZT and Rendisivir and his role in it and you can see the true killer on the loose, that he really is. And GatorJMDZ is the most prolific bot we have here.
Randi Weingarten's comments from July of 2020: PolitiFact - Here's what AFT’s Randi Weingarten said about reopening schools during COVID-19 "The point I’m trying to make to you, sir, is that teachers are essential workers. And they have been working. And they have been engaging kids all year long. They changed their teaching practices in a nanosecond. And, frankly, the polling I’ve seen in the last few days — just like what has happened with my members — is that, because of the recklessness of Trump and DeVos and McConnell, it has switched to 70% or so of parents don’t want to send their kids to places that are dangerous. We want schools to reopen, we want them to reopen safely. We’ve been working on it since April and, ultimately, I’d love to work with you in trying to figure out how to reopen schools safely as opposed to any of the name calling." Buckeye got bodied by the facts again.
The insouciance towards people whose lives were ravaged by all that the lockdowns entailed. Maybe a moment of silence and then move on ?
Don't worry, the Covidiots will be along to defend them or ignore their blatant attempts of revisionist history.
meanwhile i will continue to collect my salary while ordinary americans lose their jobs and businesses due to lock downs.
Unemployment is at a 54-year low: Job market stays hot, unemployment rate matches 54-year low Facts body Buckeye again.