I did question it, because obviously you are getting these stories from somewhere. Maybe you are googling for random trans people stories. More likely its being mainlined to you from right-wing media because you need your daily fix of hate. You can keep it to yourself if thats what you are into.
Chris Rufo might be the most effective communicator of our lifetime. Every issue he decides to push becomes Reich wing headline news and is parroted by every Reich wing politician until their constituents
Good for them. Boston schools at the top are better than the area they are leaving. Many top Boston schools graduate at a 97%-98% rate while West Palm Beach is pretty much all under 95% and even struggle to hit 92% at the top schools.
I don’t see the hate but ok. I can see why you think that way because you despise traditional whites. I get a mixture of stories on my feed. Not a big deal.
For someone that purports to be a counselor, you seem to lack basic comprehension or empathy towards people unlike yourself.
Hey, anything to help boost your ego by furthering your hatred and division. After all, everything is just for you, the white, male, Christian southerner. You say so yourself. Carrying that rock for Jesus! Supposedly....
OP got triggered by the pedo Christian thread and decided to make a transgender one to counter it LOL
I dont know what 'traditional whites' means. Is that some jargon you picked up on your trans news website?
How do you figure? My Empathy for the students was apparent. Those teachers seem unhinged and unprofessional. No rehire for me.
You are so good at assumptions. Do the wild generalizations ever end with you? Not a serious post. Try again.
The guy who purportedly knows something about everything…doesn’t know about traditional white people in America??? You’re a hoot. Thanks for your contribution.
He started it. It’s evident he’s obsessed. New rule “Traditional” white people can’t start trans or furry threads”?
Why are they leaving? Why would anyone think it’s ok for a teach to talk about gender identity or any forms of sex with young kids? we still need an age appropriate sex class of course. Their job is to teach a curriculum that is age appropriate and conducive to their academic development.
Maybe you’re missing something here. Part of a counselor’s job is to help people deal with their issues to be prepared for a productive life. Stoking someone’s feelings of victim hood and feeling sorry for themselves doesn’t do that. Other than politics, media, and show business, no one becomes successful feeling sorry for themselves and playing the victim card.
I would say both parties are on quite a winning streak, as long as we define winning as upsetting the other side.
Please direct this question to the libbies who frequently harass and harangue this segment of the population. Surely you’ve noticed.