why no thread about the conviction of the Proud Boys?? Are we not ecstatic that a jury of our peers has said America will not tolerate violent extremists? They are facing some serious prison time, and I hope the judge throws the book at them in order to send a clear message that sedition won't be tolerated.
Violent thugs and hooligans brutally attack police officers in D.C. | Page 184 | Swamp Gas Forums It was discussed in this thread.
What I found interesting was that attorneys on both sides of blamed Trump for the behavior of the defendants, the difference between that the Government essentially portrayed Trump as a loser who motivated his followers to conspire to overthrow the government while the attorneys defending the now convicted conspirators used it as a variation of the "we were only following orders" defense suggesting that because they were listening to the president their behavior should be excused and/or that they were being used as scapegoats when the real cause of the insurrection was Trump. It also seems that the attorneys representing the Proud Boys gave Special Counsel Jack Smith more ammo should he seek to indict the former president for instigating the (fortunately failed) insurrection. Proud Boys trial: DOJ, defense attorneys blame Donald Trump for Jan. 6
Didn't many Faux News talking heads, parroted by a few on this site, say Jan 6 wasn't an insurrection because nobody was charged and convicted of sedition? There goes that argument.
I read an interesting observation about the fact that Enrique Tarrio was convicted and wasn't even Washington DC that day. Have to wonder if where that might lead in terms of a guy like Roger Stone.
Yea, I commented on it in the Hooligan thread. However, it is a very big deal and 100% face punch to the tourist crew who suggested “the FBI said it wasn’t an insurrection”. It was an attempted coup with dozens of Trump officials privately opposing but publicly doing nothing except watch…and dozens of Trump comrades actively involved in executing it who reached out for pardons afterwards. History will judge them harshly. The movie will be gripping.
Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio, 3 other members convicted of plot to attack the Capitol on Jan. 6 US prosecutor claims Proud Boys viewed themselves as foot soldiers fighting for Donald Trump I saw three stories from MSNBC on it, so they had 3 stories to 2 for Fox.
Media Matters was counting airtime, not number of stories on the website. Beyond that, one of the two Fox stories you linked to is from April 24. If you back a week and a half, I'm sure MSNBC has a lot more than 3 stories on the trial. When the story broke, I looked at a handful of major news websites. CNN, NYT, Wash Post, etc., all had it the lead story. Fox had it well down the page.
They were told to stand back and stand by. They did And we all heard the public statements before and on January 6. This group was already starting their assault on the capital before Trump even finished speaking. The only genius of Trump is his ability to communicate what he wants to people like this without directly saying it. The question now is whether these people gamble that their sentences will be commuted or they will be pardoned in 2025 or whether they cooperate now wort respect to the insiders (Roger Stone, for example) they had direct communications with. And if anyone will believe them.