The last time I moved I had the incredible fortune to have 2 Mormon teens going door to door with pamphlets knock on my door asking if they could give me some literature. I replied I was moving and didn't have a place to put it. Those boys promptly put down the bikes the y rode in on and all of the pamphlets and started helping me move the biggest items from my house to the truck. They were dressed in shirts and ties and slacks and it did not matter a lick to them that they were drenched in sweat when we were done. I think it actually helped them to help me (help a stranger or something like that). This was in 2008 and I think of those two often, hoping that they are both happy and healthy. I'm not religious at all but I can clearly see when someone is a person of true faith and those boys were. I still can't believe they did that without asking or anything. I offered them money and a dinner and they politely declined and went on their way. Sometimes people enter your life for only moments yet remain in your thoughts forever more. In my life those moments have predominately been negative due to violence or other types of chit. So, I thought I'd share this about those two selfless Mormons.
I have a major soft spot for Mormons too. They seem like genuinely good people and practice what they preach. Definitely the least offensive of the devout religious sects in this country, IMO (with a notable exception being the super creepy, "keep sweet" polygamist cults).
Yeah, the FLDS was an off-shoot, and I think its founders had been excommunicated by the LDS Church. I've had limited experience with LDS members but they do seem like really nice people.
Sad thing was when my son was like 8 I found out when one of his friends told him about it. He asked mom if we did that stuff..
I first looked at this thread on Tuesday. My apologies for delayed posting but I had to research pornhub in order to make an informed response. I still have quite a bit more research to do before I would consider myself informed but I am working on it.
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. You definitely need to get away from your tv, computer, and phone for a while and hopefully start living life. You might actually find some things you have in common with all of the folks you are berating ing your above manifesto.
Have you all seen Ron White’s bit where his ex caught their son watching internet porn? It’s pure comedic genius!
In today’s world, anyone needing to take a hands on approach has got some issues. Maybe some of our incel friends would need to?